The Christmas That Almost Wasn't
The Christmas That Almost Wasn't
G | 23 November 1966 (USA)
The Christmas That Almost Wasn't Trailers

Sam Whipple, an attorney in once-upon-a-time-land, is startled to receive a visit from Santa Claus shortly before Christmas. It seems that when he was a child, Sam wrote a letter thanking Santa for the presents he'd received, and offering to return the favor someday. That day is now - a mean old soul named Phineas Prune, who holds the deed to the North Pole, is demanding back rent. Otherwise, he's going to evict Santa, Mrs. Claus and the elves and take all the Christmas toys. It's up to Sam and Santa to find a way to pay off Prune and prevent Christmas from being canceled.

Micitype Pretty Good
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
flackjacket Ah, yes... The nostalgia of childhood. There are so many TV shows, cartoons and Holiday "specials" I thought were the cat's balls when I was a kid. Some, that when I revisited them as an adult, I realized they sucked.For example, The Six Million Dollar Man, The Banana Splits, Zoom and Quick Draw McGraw. When I was a kid, I thought they were the best. But after seeing them as an adult I realized they were, in reality, pure crap.But that isn't the case with this Holiday "movie". There are things from childhood that are not just nostalgia, but precious memories. Like the old Gospel song says "how they linger". Yes, they linger much like a burning shart after eating tainted manicotti.This "movie" ranks up there with other precious memories from my childhood. Like the first time I projectile vomited across 3 desks in 2nd grade. Or, when our 1st grade teacher would come back from lunch drunk out of her mind and physically abuse the kids in the class. Or that time I had liquid diarrhea while walking home from school.Just like those precious memories, this "movie" sucked back then and sucks now, just as much, if not more. I remember the first time I saw it, I changed the channel for so many reasons. 1. I could eat a dictionary and poop better lyrics than the opening song. 2. The voices didn't match the extremely poor acting. 3. The colors were whacked, as if one had taken bad acid. 4. The "special effects" were incredibly bad. And 5. The story was boring as Hell.Yes sometimes nostalgia will gain loyalty from those with no taste who enjoyed this "movie" as a child. And sometimes, nostalgia and memories just can't polish a turd.
dancing15bear I remember the commercial for this movie more than I do the film itself! It featured the line where Rossanno Brazzi would bellow, "Merry Christmas I don't think!!" It was very scary for someone just starting school! The commercials would show up each December on the Birthday House show with Paul Tripp. The movie would run as a matinée at local theaters, and I remember the place being pretty crowded. My sisters and I dragged our poor mother out to see it for a few years running. I guess it was great marketing. It must all be pretty arcane, because every now and then I'll quote the bellow, and no one seems to know what I'm referring to.
mdibar1 I vividly remember going to see this in the movies when I was 5 Years old. The commercials promoting it on TV stick in my head also. As another reviewer said, going to the movies was a big deal then. Now that I am 43 I have been getting very nostalgic. I was very happy to see that this movie was available on DVD. When I watched the movie I was really surprised at how bad it was, as Billy Joel says in one of his songs "The good old days weren't always good" To start with the opening song "A Christmas that almost wasn't" sounds more like a halloween song, a little haunting. The colors in the movie were also very dark and drab. As for Santa "my God" what a depressing Santa he was a little whiner, I wanted to grab him ala the Godfather and say "You can act like a man" The whole movie is just cheaply done, songs and everything. This is a case of my childhood memories playing tricks on me. Oh well there's always Rudolph.
professoratomic I first saw this film back in 1966 at a Saturday matinée. Years later It popped up on HBO sometime in the early 80's. I have not seen it again until I saw the DVD on sale. Back around the time the film first came out. I was a kid living in New York City. This film holds special memoires for me. Paul Tripp was hosting a children's show called Birthday House at the time. I remember him talking to us kids watching at home about the movie. Sonny Fox was known for hosting Wonderama. Another children's show that aired on Sunday mornings on WNEW channel 5 in the New York area. Sadly this might be the only film record of these two people and the local children's shows that aired in the New York City viewing area during the 1960's.