D.C. Cab
D.C. Cab
R | 16 December 1983 (USA)
D.C. Cab Trailers

The tale of a hapless group of cabbies and a rundown cab company owned by Harold. Albert comes to town with a dream of starting his own cab company but needs to motivate Harold's employees to want to make something out of themselves. It is only when Albert is kidnapped that the cabbies must decide whether or not they are loyal to Albert and his cause.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Pseudononymous D.C. Cab is one of those films that make you forget where you are, who you are and what's going on. It embodies everything you want in an early 80s picture, Filth, Humor, Upbeat Music, Attitude and Mr. T! Joel Schumacher and Topper Carew's script is very quick, brash and downright hilarious. Having seen Alex Cox' 'Repo-Man' I was accustomed to the raw gritty nature of those films that you saw in that era. The film never has a dull moment and it's full of energy(pay attention to the scene where they try to rescue Albert from the kidnappers) and when Adam Baldwin proves he's not chicken dung by refusing to surrend cab fare to a hood. Loud and Confusing the lack of rationality and reason pays off in D.C. Cab. A lot of noteworthy and in your face performances by The Barbarian Brothers, Charles Barnett, Max Gail and Marsha Warfield to name a few. Diversity works and this film proves it as we see so many walks of life and personality. There are a lot of good one-liners in this movie and they still stand the test of time...most are produced by the mouth of Gary Busey(He had to be on coke during this, he was off the wall bananas!)D.C. Cab is a definite must-keep for the DVD-Aficionado and for those who want to laugh, feel nostalgic or just want to get lost check this out. In my opinion D.C. Cab is severely underrated and deserves plenty of accolades. I still chastise myself for not knowing it existed until I caught a preview on VH1's "I love the 80s 3-D". Oddly enough, I wasn't optimistic when I began watching it but afterward I was entertained beyond expectation and I watched it again! Joel Schumacher should be proud of this movie as for the last 10 years most of his films turned out forgettable. A must see!8/10
LeRoyMarko Juvenile humor from the 80's. Gotta love it! Or not. I'm in between. There is some good moments, but there are other that tell you, without any doubt, that you're wasting your time watching this. That's why I gave it a 5. The acting is bad. I don't think anyone was funny, except maybe for the Tyrone character and of course, Mr. Rhythm.Way too long intro. I almost fell asleep. And of course, soon enough, there's a topless woman. Then, there's more women running around topless. There is some funny scenes, I'll admit, like the one where the twins are driving in reverse. One could argue that there's a social commentary on black America. Or on the fact that if you work hard, you'll achieve great things. But for some reason, Mr. T moral boosting sessions didn't ring with me. And by the way, we now know that Mr. T stands for Mr. Turtle! I rented this movie to rate it. No regrets. I saw it back in the 80's at a time when I didn't rate movies.Seen at home, in Toronto, on March 4th, 2006.66/100 (*½)
quixotism-9 The 4 erroneous assumptions made in the making of D.C. Cab:Casting out of comedy clubs garuantees that said comedians will be funny on-screen as they trample through even the blandest of scripted "comedy".Audiences won't mind that Mr T, despite being on the poster, video boxes and all other advertising related to film is actually a small cog in the comedy wheel.Devoting a large narrative strand to where-are-they-now?/who-were-they-then? regular Irene Cara will ensure timeless appeal to Irene Cara fans for years to come.Idealistic Adam Baldwin is not made of cardboard.These failings aside, the movie offers a few ace Busey moments (You ever done drugs/I don't remember.).In short, it's an ensemble comedy, in the same Hollywood line that gave the world Revenge of the Nerds, the Police Academy movies, and Summer School. This movie sits somewhere below these. The cast is a little overcrowded, with too much of the "plot" devoted the weakest parts of the ensemble. Just out curiosity: How hard is it to write a movie around Mr T or Gary Busey? It seems that too often T is forever looped into heavy-with-a-heart-of-gold roles, while Busey just gets 2nd bananas, villains and maniacs.
JZvezda For months I wanted to drive around in a ghetto-fab taxi with rollers in my hair, but ma' wouldn't let me.No one should ever admit to enjoying this flick, as it is awash in stupidity and dripping in dumbness. It is painfully, dreadfully, wretchedly awful... and I've seen it about 47 times. In short: A tasty hunk of Velveeta, fun to semi-watch while you're vacuuming your carpets or waxing your legs, but tell no one you did. How many passengers?:I found Mr. T's character to be the kidney-stone I couldn't wait to pass. And Gary Busey is all kinds of Sam Kinison fun (hint: not fun at all). But everyone else on hand delivers one or two sure-p**ser lines...my personal faves being a fur-coat sporting Marsha Warfield, threatening to beat Denise Gordy's door down and "beat your ass to fried whale-sh*t!" Or the scene stealing Charlie Barnett as roller-headed "Tyrone", jumping up and down on a barn screaming "Bruce Lee! Bruce Lee! I found him! I found that karate muther-f*cker!"And the always under-appreciated Adam Baldwin, aka 'the only Baldwin that matters' turns in yet another competent performance as Albert "Whitebread Chicken-sh*t" Hockenberry. Plus, I've been finding him kinda dreamy ever since he played the teenage ax-murderer 'Ricky Lindermann" in "My Bodyguard". Forgive me this transgression...Where to?:"D.C. Cab" can't make up it's mind whether or not it wants to be a family film or "Animal House" on wheels. But it's far more successful when it's being lewd, crass, and it allows it's precious child actors to spit lines like "you are, a pitiful bitch!"What do I owe ya?:This cab is more hoopty than Cadillac, but a fun ride despite all the potholes.