Snow White
Snow White
| 14 May 1987 (USA)
Snow White Trailers

A prince, seeking the greatest treasure, stumbles upon seven little men guarding a coffin. They tell him the story of Snow White, a beautiful princess who was forced to run away from home after her jealous stepmother tried to have her killed. When she realizes that the girl is still alive and living with the dwarfs, she sets out to destroy her only rival once and for all.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
TheLittleSongbird The most famous adaptation of Snow White, and the one that will always be my favourite, is the classic 1937 Disney film. This 1987 Cannon Movie Tales adaptation is not in the same league, but for low budget this is pretty good and is one of the better Cannon Movie Tale films.Snow White (1987) does have a few problems, with the biggest problem being some of the pacing, the film does drag at times with scenes that go on a little too long. This is particularly true of the scene in the woods, necessary but goes on too long and devoid of terror, it was a scene that was terrifying in the Disney film but is pretty interminable here, and it is further disadvantaged by the fake-looking animal stock footage. The low budget does show in the costumes (like with most of Cannon's film, with Beauty and the Beast being a notable exception), with some of the Queen's costumes like her horrendously kitschy disguises being particularly hideous and do not flatter Diana Rigg at all (one may argue that it suited the type of character, this viewer would argue that they don't do anything for a character who is meant to be one of the most beautiful women in the land). There are a few spots where the humour, courtesy of the Dwarfs' slapstick pratfalls, is a touch out of place as well, though most of it is very amusing and endearing.However, generally Snow White is one of Cannon's better-looking films, with some of their most lavish set design, especially the Queen's bedroom and the scary forest setting, and very rustic and beautifully lit photography. The make-up is also good, and there is a visually and dramatically imaginative touch with the Queen's demise at the end (see it for yourself, it is one of the most imaginatively done demises for any villain in a Cannon Movie Tales film). The incidental music is enchantingly whimsical, and the songs are lively and catchy, can listen to them all again with little problem. It's wittily and charmingly scripted, with a light touch without dissolving into over-cutesiness and a darker one without being traumatising, like the Disney film there are a couple of emotional parts like the aftermath of the poisoned apple. The story while not as dark as the Grimm version is still more faithful generally in detail and spirit than Disney's version, which some may like. While there are pacing issues it's not the case like The Emperor's New Clothes or The Frog Prince where the film is trying to extend a short story to feature length and not quite succeeding, Snow White's story is very strong and actually has a good amount happening.Performances are good, with a sweet Nicola Stapleton and a radiant and touchingly innocent Sarah Patterson as younger and older Snow White. The dwarfs do amuse, with the most memorable being Billy Barty, have sweet personalities and you can at least tell who's who. Diana Rigg is great sinister fun as the Queen with wonderfully arch delivery, and steals the show quite easily. The prince has very little screen time, but James Ian Wright gives the role a lot of poise and charm. All in all, not bad at all for a low budget Snow White adaptation, and one of Cannon's better outings. 7/10 Bethany Cox
Wicked89 I've seen the film on "YouTube" and personally I loved it a little more than the beloved Disney film. Diana Rigg (Emma Peel in "The Avengers") steals the show as the film's Wicked Queen. Even though her costumes and hair are dramatically over the top and hideous it suits the character but the gold potato sack and the spider leg hat that she wears while preparing the poisoned apple had me thinking "How can someone who is so vain wear something so hideous even if they could?" But the song that she sings when plots to have the huntsman kill Snow White had me LOL! Sarah Patterson (Rosaleen in "The Company of Wolves") really held her own as the Fairest One of All herself. She is well cast as the innocent young princess who did no wrong to her stepmother. Equally well cast is Nicola Stapleton who plays Snow White as a little girl.The dwarfs (led by the late Billy Barty) were hilarious! Their scenes with Snow White were well played.
marylou102 A classic film in it's own right. Produced silently by Cannon Films in 1987, it is one of the best family musicals that has ever been made. Most saw this on the Disney Channel in the late 80's or mid- 90's. It has gained the reputation of cult classic and is possibly awaiting a new DVD release.Starring Diana Rigg as the evil queen, this adaptation of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale is not only faithful to it's source( Right down the the eating of Snow White's liver), but tells it as a delightful family musical. Having this be a musical made the tone lighter, instead of dark and scary like the original fairy tale. Nicola Stapelton and Sarah Patterson are the embodiment of the character. Ms. Stapelton is exactly what I think of when I see Snow White as a young girl. Ms. Patterson is the total spitting image of the older Snow White. She is one of the most gorgeous actresses I have ever seen and it's a shame that she has drifted into oblivion.This production is lavish to say the least. The settings and sets are unbelievable. The queen's room is especially beautiful and weird.It reminded me of a mix of Jean Cocteau's Beauty and the Beast and Dario Argento's Suspiria. It is stunning. The costumes are no less inspired.If you can find this great film, get it! You won't regret it!
christinedesler This story most closely depicts the origional Grimm Farie Tale as we know it. It has the apple, the corsett, and the comb! It has the seven little men, it has snow white, it has the hunter, it has the father... it's only missing one SINGLE tiny thing... the fact that Snow White's MOTHER, and not her STEP mother, is the one that wanted her dead. Then again, that's EVERY version that I've ever seen... unless the Disney version was the right way there. Don't remember. Anyhow, my favorite part of the movie is "Billy Barty". He is in SO MANY of my movies, I can pick out his voice like THAT. *Snaps*. Sure, he's only one of 7 adorable men, but still... and a couple of the songs are so precious. Not the absolutely best of the Cannon Films, but one of my long time favs.
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