Snails in the Rain
Snails in the Rain
NR | 13 October 2013 (USA)
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Tel Aviv, Summer 1989. Boaz, a beautiful and alluring linguistics student, receives anonymous, male written love letters, that undermine his sexual identity and interfere on his peaceful life with his beloved girlfriend.

Micransix Crappy film
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Paul Evans (pauleky) I thought perhaps this one would be different, but sadly no. This film left me with an overwhelming sense of sadness. For the main character, for those who deny themselves to live the way society expects. For his girlfriend who ends up in a marriage that's a lie. I could go on. However, suffice to say that it's just another homophobic film dressed up as a "gay" film. Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if it was funded by ultra-conservatives. Disappointing. It gets 4/10 only because of the better than usual acting you find in this genre. Also, some of the guys, including the lead actor, are hot. That's about it.
Sam Smith Had this movie been made in the time that it allegedly portrays, I would understand, and it would be simply a statement of the times.However, this movie was made during a time when homosexuality, at least in Tel Aviv, is not only widely accepted, but celebrated.Tel Aviv is probably the "gayest" city on earth. There are gay couples with children, everywhere. Pride, is huge.So... why this movie? What are you trying to tell me? That people in 1989 were conflicted? No kidding! That the super-macho Israeli society was... not very accepting, and men who questioned their own sexuality were tortured souls?The plot and the characters were, VERY predictable. I have seen thisstory so many times before.Waste of 70 minutes of my life that I will NEVER get back. The only reason it was not a 1* was that it was at least, from a technical standpoint, well written, and shot, at thankfully SHORT!
sugarfreepeppermint The main actor is gorgeous; very buff body, chiselled face, lush locks of hair: a Hebrew Adonis. One could gaze at him for the duration of the film alone, if looks were of single importance here. But I suppose if this film is meant for the gay market, then that stud should be taken into homosexual situations more so than it does here. Alas, in this film, homosexuality is merely his closeted state of being. As such, the film delivers very little thrill. 90 percent of the content of the film is taken up with heterosexual relationships and a very stern heterosexual environment (that nagging girlfriend being in the picture most of the time, really gets on my nerves, no surprise he gives her a good whack at one point). The other 10 percent constitute to, at most, ten minutes of exciting secret sexual shenanigans between guys in dimly lit cruising spaces. However, those ten minutes do not add up, to enough excitement for me to have to sit through a whole feature length film of boring heterosexual people that are of no interest to me whatsoever. The erotic film poster with two men kissing is misleading, as it's an infinitesimal moment in the film; be warned!
alcorcrisan An interesting film made in Israel, verging on the thriller and being erotically charged throughout its duration. A kind of staccato rhythm that slowly but surely takes the hero, as well as the characters around him, and the members of the public towards the climax. A study in human nature, and a very beautiful human nature, quite a painfully so one, as the young man seems to feel the gaze of everyone looking at him as a sort of blade cutting through his thin layers of conformism and indecision. The claustrophobia induced by the ever-present girl-friend and exacerbated by the heat alternates with the memories of brief moments of truth and courage lived in the army. Rather disappointingly, the end is marked by a more or less voluntary choice of turning one's back on courage and returning to the trodden path of cowardice and avoidance of one's inner truth.
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