Slightly Dangerous
Slightly Dangerous
NR | 01 April 1943 (USA)
Slightly Dangerous Trailers

Small-town soda-jerk Peggy Evans quits her dead-end job and moves to New York where she invents a new identity.

FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
MartinHafer This very, very insignificant and rather poorly written film apparently helped to launch Lana Turner to stardom. And, as I read through the reviews, I notice that they are all either mediocre or very positive. Well, despite popular opinion, I can't understand any of this as I thought the film was rather stupid and very poorly written. Turner and her co-stars are fine...but the writing was just terrible.When the film begins, a manager in a department store (Robert Young) gets into an argument with an employee (Turner). Soon, when the woman decides inexplicably to disappear and re-invent herself, folks automatically assume she killed herself and HE was responsible. This didn't make sense...and he was soon fired from his job. And, he was determined to track her down and prove to everyone she's alive.In the meantime, through some ridiculous circumstances, she gets into an accident involving paint and she comes up with the idea of pretending she has amnesia. Why? I have no idea whatsoever... Soon, she decides to pretend that she is some long-lost heiress...again, I have no idea why. When her supposed father, the rich guy (Walter Brennan) arrives, she is able to fake her way into getting him to believe she is his long-lost daughter. None of this makes any sense and it also shows Turner's character to be a horrible person...just awful, cruel and conniving.So how is any of this funny or believable?! Well, none of it is and the overall film comes off as very forced and unfunny. And, to make it worse, the ending is god-awful! I have no idea why folks like it...I simply hated it and felt that the average Poverty Row studio made better films than this crappy movie.
Sooz (Dazzee) Now I know production wasn't what it is today but...Towards the end of this film Robert Young's character facing Lana Turner's character are wiping (supposed) grease from each others faces. When you watch them wiping you will notice NO grease on the handkerchiefs.This is rather amusing because there seems to be quite a smudge on both.The movie was intriguing throughout and I would watch this film again. I would watch this film again and again just for the goofs. Lana Turner, to me was a whining bit of a minx in her dramatic performances. Comedy should have been her forte'. At least she wouldn't be so melodramatic in her roles. Someone out there in "Movie Land" thought to just look at her would be enough and camouflage the rest with sappy dialog.
blanche-2 Lana Turner is young and gorgeous in this light comedy about a waitress with a lucky penny and the dream of getting out of her humdrum life. The penny works wonders. After escaping her small town, a ladder falls on her in New York City - when she comes to, it's assumed she has amnesia (she was deciding on her new name when the ladder came crashing down). After a trip to the library, she decides to become a long-lost heiress who disappeared as a child in 1925.Robert Young plays her ex-boss who looks to expose her lie; Walter Brennan is her welcoming, wealthy father; Ward Bond is his security guy; Dame May Witty the heiress' former nanny. Ray Collins of "Perry Mason" fame also makes an appearance, as does Eugene Palette as the newspaper editor who prints the amnesiac's story. It's a terrific cast, with Young's role being a departure for him. He does it well. Lana is simply adorable.The movie leaves an open question, which is kind of fun, too. All in all, very enjoyable.
40'sSal I've seen this a hundred times, at least. Lana is at her best..absolutely adorable-before the hard edge sets in. Robert Young is good, as always, and you can't beat the old-time character actors for rounding out a good cast. Pure escapist filthy language or situations. I wish it were available on video- it's a ke