The Red Squirrel
The Red Squirrel
| 21 April 1993 (USA)
The Red Squirrel Trailers

Jota is about to commit suicide. As he fighting against himself, trying to jump off a bridge, a girl riding a motorcycle falls off the bridge. He runs to help her, and goes with her to the hospital. She has forgotten even what her name is, and he invents her life. He makes up a name for her and tells her and the doctors that they live together as a couple for four years. The lie goes on for a while..

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
UK Shaun The Red Squirrel (1993)To cut to the chase, I genuinely enjoyed watching The Red Squirrel. The story for the most part is unpredictable, and ticks along, never becoming boring.As you probably know, the story starts off with a guy standing on a bridge at night, looking down at the crashing waves, wanting to throw himself off. His suicidal thoughts are interrupted by a motorbike loosing control, smashing through the bridge barrier, onto the beach below. As luck would have it, the motorbike was being ridden by the rather pretty Emma Suárez. The crash victim appears to be amnesiac as a result of the accident, which opens the door for what follows - a love story come mystery.The entire cast play their parts naturally, which is something that adds so much to the experience. There was not a single cast member when I'd wish someone else was playing the part.I experienced The Red Squirrel on the Tartan DVD release. Picture quality is fine, not exceptional. With a story such as The Red Squirrel, picture quality somehow means less, unlike it would with a film that relies on style over substance.If like me you like foreign language films and don't mind subtitles, I can recommend The Red Squirrel
inioi I am Spanish, and to begin with, i would say that Julio Medem is my favorite Spanish director. I know Pedro Almodovar has had much more attention from the media out of Spain, but to be honest, i think Medem depicts more faithfully the Spanish feeling than Almodovar does."Vacas", "La ardilla roja", "Tierra", "Los amantes del Círculo Polar" and "Lucía y el sexo" are his best movies from my humble point of view.The movie is absolutely dream-like from beginning to end. The plot is rather creative, and could have been based on a true story except its surreal features which are also mixed with comedy situations. One of the most original love stories I've seen so far.Music is totally absorbing and helps to get into Medem's Visual imagery. 8/10
yurivangeest Great movie. It grabs you from the start, exciting...a bit obvious at some moments, lots of symbolism, power plays and psychological projections. I saw the movie on video, but I believe this one is definitely one for the big screen. It is enchanting. The end of the movie is a little bit farfetched and overdone (unlike the better Tierra, Los Amantes and Sex and Lucia (my personal favorite)) but this is only a minor comment.Great to know that Medem will be delivering more inspiring movies :-)))9 out of 10.
Canardo If you are one of those movielovers who hates all those slimy romantic pics like sleepless in Seatle, city of angels ... but has a wife, girlfriend who wants to see them over and over again, here' s the medicine: rent or buy this movie and enjoy it with your partner on a quiet evening. The story is great, the acting superb, the main actress, actor a treat for your eyes and the directing astonishing!! You won' t find anything better than this and hopefully your partner will agree on this so you don't have to see those awful Romantic films anymore