Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity
Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity
R | 18 September 1987 (USA)
Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity Trailers

Lovely and resourceful Daria and Tisa escape a space gulag only to crash land on a nearby world where a guy in tight pants named Zed is playing The Most Dangerous Game. Zed turns the girls and another guest loose in his jungle preserve to serve as the prey in a mad hunt. Armed only with knives and their wits, the girls must battle their way across the jungle to a hidden arms cache before Zed catches and kills them.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
lewiskendell "Alone, he'll only pick us off one at a time. The three of us outnumber him."There are two kinds of horrible acting. There's the kind that makes a movie painful to watch, and there's the kind that makes a movie hilariously entertaining. Slave Girls from Infinity fits into the later category. It's an example of the very cheapest, lowest budget B- movies, and half of the fun comes from how awful these "actors" are.The other half comes from seeing the half-naked slave girls running around jungles in bikinis and lingerie. The story is a half-hearted riff on "The Most Dangerous Game", featuring our two slave girls escaping from a slave starship and landing on a planet where their rescuer is eventually revealed to be an evil (as well as campy and flamboyant) killer. And there's two utterly useless (and occasionally pervy) androids. And mutant. And a zombie. And a "Phantom Zone". And the most hilariously random, awkward, ad impromptu love scene I've ever seen in a movie.The dialogue is beyond terrible, the sets are reused over and over, and the inside of the spaceships and special effects wouldn't look out of place in a middle school play in 1982. Needless to say, camp value is through the roof. It's also the ONLY reason to watch this. If you like a good bad movie, you're in luck.
Woodyanders Stranded chowderheads Daria (buxom blonde beauty Elizabeth Cayton), Tisa (the curvaceous Cindy Beal), Shala (slinky Brinke Stevens) and Ric (the dorky Carl Horner) are ruthlessly stalked and hunted on some far flung remote jungle planet by sadistic sleazoid Zed (deliciously overplayed with eye-rolling hammy gusto by Don Scribner) and his two clunky robot assistants in this entertainingly tacky low-budget sci-fi quickie version of "The Most Dangeous Game." Jam-packed with ineptly staged action scenes, campy dialogue ("It's a cold cosmos"), corny acting from an enthusiastic cast, a tight 73 minute running time, a snappy pace, and hokey special effects, this admittedly cheesy picture supplies a great deal of infectiously inane and unapologetic low-brow no-brainer fun. Better still, this movie certainly doesn't skimp on the gratuitous nudity: Cayton bares her considerable all for a fairly steamy soft-core sex scene, Stevens gets raped and tortured, and Beal removes her top to go skinny-dipping. Sure, this flick sure ain't no work of exceptionally subtle and sophisticated art, but it still does the pleasingly mindless junk feature trick just the same.
Kim Preisler The acting in this movie is so bad, that it's actually quite funny to watch, which is the only reason I didn't give this movie a 1 ! Other than this : Predictable plot, boring and un-creative monsters, a trying-to-hard wanna-be bad guy, almost amusing robot guards that argues among themselves and of course... very nice half-naked girls in leather bikini's.
HCaul74 This is not a bad movie. It isn't a good one or even a good B-movie, well, B movie isn't the right category, T & A is more appropriate. I mean, when your movie's protagonists are as underdressed as these girls, well I think you get my meaning. But for what it is, it is surprisingly well made. The whole setup of the film is essentially a remake (or adaptation) of A Dangerous Game. Some bikini-clad girls escape from a slave ship and crash land on a mysterious planet only to be hunted by a crazy rich guy. Wow, I can't wait until these guys do Moby Dick. The film is enjoyable, the film I mean, not the breasts. Duoh! I better shut up. Yes, I would recommend this to anyone who falls asleep during a baseball game on tv only to wake up five hours later to have this on.