Good Boy!
Good Boy!
PG | 10 October 2003 (USA)
Good Boy! Trailers

An intergalactic dog pilot from Sirius (the dog star), visits Earth to verify the rumors that dogs have failed to take over the planet.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
zif ofoz ..... and a good one it is!Just silly and light hearted enough to keep you laughing and watching! A group of highly characterized earth dogs get a visit from a fellow dog from the star Sirius. And of course a little boy finds his dog in the outer space dog.A fun and entertaining goofy flick for all dog lovers and people that have had a significant pet in their life. Yes, you'll feel sorry for the little boy and you'll laugh at many slap stick situations the 'kids & dogs' get themselves into.A funny fun movie for all!
covergirl10452 The movie Good Boy! was stupid but hilarious, especially the part when the dogs chased those bullies. They ran like the chickens they are. Why don't they just fly away next time? The previews were really stupid, especially when I saw it before Finding Nemo came on. The previews in October were downright asinine. There were 2 parts that I'm not going to forget. The part when the dog told the boy to sit, and then he fell down on his rear end and then when the dog told the boy to speak, the boy screamed. That's stupid. The part that I think was the most asinine was when Wilson was all like "Can I have a cookie? Ten cookies? Can I have twenty cookies?" That part was so stupid that I rolled my eyes at the screen every time that was in the preview. I said to myself "If I do choose to see this movie, I'm rolling my eyes at that scene." And guess what? I did roll my eyes at that scene in the theater, despite the laughter from other people. The boy in this movie is kind of cute, but some people think of him as Dr. Dolittle. Oh please. He's not Dr. Dolittle. I'm just glad this movie was somewhat hilarious, unlike You Lucky Dog which wasn't too hilarious. Although 1 part in Good Boy made me give the talk to the hand. It was when the boy spun around in circles like his dog. Pathetic. I'm glad he didn't roll over and play dead like a dog. That would be so stupid. That's the thing with canine movies. They contain stupidity. By the way, there's no time for stupid nonsense. I have morals since I'm a teenager, and stupidity isn't one of them. The movie was all right, but I'm giving that one a 6 as well.
rantinghuman I have an 8-year old, so I see a lot of films for kids, many of which I like. And in general, I like Molly Shannon and Kevin Nealon. There also were a fair number of respectable names doing voices, like Vanessa Redgrave and Carl Reiner. Matthew Broderick annoys me (except for "Ferris") but that's just me. A universal truth, however, is that this was the worst film I've ever seen: the worst acting, the worst writing, the clumsiest transitions and the most nonsensical developments. Even the make-up was bad. It was almost as if they were trying to make you squirm with dissonance. My GOSH it was awful! It was all I could do to keep from howling in pain in front of my daughter. ....My 8-year old daughter gave it the "thumbs up", though.
jaybabb This is a film about a boy, whose name is Owen(Liam Aiken)who is a neighborhood dog walker. He even wears a dog walker uniform with a name tag! This gives the appearance that he is a pro dog walker! Now Owen is a lonely boy with no friends except the dogs he walks. He is bullied by two other boys.But Owen has a good attitude, he respects his parents(Kevin Nealon & Molly Shannon)who renovates homes for a living-and they live in the house they are currently working on. This does not make things any easier for Owen, who has a desire to settle down and stay put in one house. Owen, however takes it all in stride and makes the best out of the situation.He is awakened by a noise-the sound of something crashing. This will be referred later as a "Sonic Boom" When his parents allow him to adopt his own dog, the one he picks at the pound-is like no other dog. He soon discovers that this pooch can talk. Owen gives him the name "Hubble" but his real name is "Canine 3942" a dog from outer space!Hubble informs Owen that thousands of years ago, dogs were sent to earth from the "Home Star" AKA "The dog star Sirus" to colonize and rule earth. Dogs were not supposed to be pets! So, Hubble is here on a fact finding mission-to confirm rumors that the dogs have strayed from their original mission. Hubble is here to try to reverse that.Now, Hubble becomes very fond of Owen-he have to choose between life on earth or the ability to talk. Hubble isn't the only talking dog, all the dogs can talk! When Hubble fails to rally the dogs to their original mission, "The Greater Dane" shows up! She is the "queen of the Dogs" Can Hubble and Owen persuade the "Greater Dane" to let Hubble and the other dogs stay here on earth?Now I admit that the story line resolving around the dogs is silly! And It's the bathroom humor that earns it's PG rating, however there's so much to like about this film. Dog lovers will love this film! We should be thankful that dogs can't talk! All the Characters is perfectly cast, esp Liam Aiken as Owen and "Flynn" as "Hubble"Great Film. 8 out of 10.