Slaughter Studios
Slaughter Studios
| 31 December 2002 (USA)
Slaughter Studios Trailers

Slaughter Studios has a legendary reputation as the place where a slew of classic low-budget horror movies were made. Long since abandoned and now in ruins, a group of aspiring filmmakers led by director Steve decide to break into Slaughter Studios so they can shoot one last B-grade creature feature on the premises before it meets the wrecking ball. However, things go awry when Slaughter Studios proves to be the stalking grounds of a vicious psycho.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Paul Andrews Slaughter Studios starts as an actor named Justin is shot & killed on the set of his latest film, was it an accident or something more sinister? Either way Slaughter Studios has remained unused & empty ever since... Jump forward 20 years & aspiring low budget horror filmmaker Steve (Peter Stanovich) is going to break into Slaughter Studios & use the unused but still intact stages for his latest project. To help him he has assembled a crew of friends, production assistant Madigan (Amy Shelton-White), Gary (Matthew J.Roseman) the cameraman, Ollie (Anand Chulani) the sound-man, & his cast of actors, Kevin (Nicolas Reed), Chad (Darren Reiher), goth babe Trisha (Eva Frajko), Rebecca (Laura Oatis), Darlene (Serra Ellison), Candace (Lorissa McComas) & Portia (Tara Killian). Together they break into the abandoned Slaugher Studios & get to work, however it appears that they are not alone as a killer stalks the corridors of the once busy studio...Edited & directed by Brian Katkin I really liked Slaughter Studios. On paper the script by Dan Acre & John Huckert looks pretty lousy, a horror comedy about a bunch of annoying teenagers being killed by a mysterious killer but in fact Slaughter Studios turned out to be a really likable & decent film. I hated Ollie but I found the rest of the character's very likable & were quite funny with some nice witty dialogue. The whole film-within-a-film, Blair Witch Project (1999) anyone?, has been done before but Slaughter Studios incorporates it really well & the whole self referential jokes & mickey taking is done with a certain affection for the genre. There are a few good laughs here including a pretty funny farting in a tent gag! I really liked the ending as well, I definitely wasn't expecting it & was both a clever & satisfying way to round the film off. Slaughter Studios never takes itself seriously, it moves along at a fair pace & is never boring or dull & makes for good entertainment. Don't get me wrong as it's far from a masterpiece but believe me you could do a hell of a lot worse than Slaughter Studios when you compare it to the straight-to-video crap that litter video shop shelves these days.Director Katkin does an impressive job, the lighting is excellent with bright neon greens, blues & reds along side the dark shadowy corners. The film looks great throughout & only the cheap looking digital video used to shoot it on gives it's low budget away. There is plenty of nudity, some lesbianism including a funny exchange of dialogue with the director convincing Portia that going nude & participating in acts if lesbianism would make her a better actress! The gore isn't so plentiful, a pick-axe in someones stomach, someones throat is cut with some film & someone has a pitchfork stuck through them & there's a decapitated head.With a supposed budget of about $50,000 the filmmakers have worked absolute miracles. Slaughter Studios went straight-to-video but looks really good from start to finish & they obviously made that $50,000 go a long way. The acting varies, Chulani is absolutely awful. Frajko as the goth bird Trisha is a bit of a babe & really easy on the eyes.Slaughter Studios surprised me, a lot. I thought it was a highly entertaining & funny spoof comedy horror slasher. As a horror film fan you have to be able to take a chance on a film you've never heard of that will in all likelihood turn out to be complete & utter crap, most low budget straight-to-video horror films fall into this category. But once in a while you are rewarded with a bit of an unexpected gem & Slaughter Studios was just such an occasion for me, definitely worth a watch.
TdSmth5 Overall well-made film. Could have been better as a pure horror film without the comedy. I can't wait for LalaLand to finally give up on stupid political correctness and make horror movies that don't have to "justify" nudity and gore by appealing to comedy. The story of this film is good overall. There are, however, too many annoying characters: the film's director, the Indian guy, the snobby actress. That's just too many annoying people you don't want to see/hear leaving you with only secondary characters about whom to care. The actresses who do nude scenes could be more attractive. The erotic scenes are a strange balance of eroticism and lack of it. I was quite surprised, though, to find out who the killer was in the end.
ZombieFan This is not a horror movie. Its one of the funniest movies I have ever watched. The token Hindu guy was hilarious. The chicks are very good looking, but most of them are washed up porn actresses. Pretty good for a cheap laugh, check it out.
airbrat1 Oh my God! Best horror flick I have seen in ages! There are a few things I look for in campy B-movie flicks: Hot, erotic chicks, violence and gore, and filthy humor. This film went above and beyond my requisites for a horror movie! Worth every penny it cost to rent. Might even go out and buy. Message to Director Brian Katkin: Excellent job! Please make more like this! I have no idea why/how this film could have recieved negative comments. It was better than all Slumber Party Massacres and Sorority House Massacres put together. Maybe some people rented it with the expectations of seeing horror similar to The Exorcist? I don't know. Anyway, campy B-movie lovers, rent it! You will not be sorry.