G | 27 November 2009 (USA)

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Tyler and his brother find an alien ship which makes Tyler appear older and gives him other abilities. This turns his high school life upside down, and may enable him to help his older brother's love life. After he is abducted by beings who intend to takeover Earth, he must depend on his inept and lovelorn brother to rescue him.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Yanni Agrotis I saw this movie when it came out in 2009. At the time I was only 11 years old and did not notice anything wrong with the movie, but I watched again the other day (I'm 19 now) and boy, it was terrible. Like other people on here, I have similar feelings about this movie:The movie has very cheesy acting and I feel that we are kind of just thrown into those two brothers lives. We are watching two kids go to high school and then have to deal with an alien problem at home. The mother in the movie is extremely inept, like to an extreme level that it becomes so unrealistic. Also, we are thrown into the brothers' high school lives and we have to deal with that cheesy situation for the whole movie. I noticed we just get a lot of exposition thrown at us for no reason. Like when the older brother is asked about a science project last minute. Also, the stereotypical high school scene is overly-stereotypical. We have the cliché nerd vs. bully argument, but this movie overly exaggerated the argument to attempt to have it relate to the alien crisis the boys were dealing with. Also I noticed the actual conflict in the movie was resolved in about 5 minutes, if that, which is a load of crap. We do not get a good look at the alien base and the whole movie was put together poorly.
erickypr This movie doesn't have some deep story, doesn't have some great lesson you and it is different from many other movies. What makes it different? It is relaxing. No hard thinking, just watching and enjoying. Actors are cool. There are so many movies with such complicated topics, and it is great to finally watch something and enjoy, be free from all problems and worries. Many people dislike Skyrunner because it is so simple, totally uncomplicated movie. They forgot how to lay on the grass and just watch the sky. If you still know how to do it, watch this movie and expect nothing. That is the beauty. You will feel relaxed. And I really hope it will be part 2 of this movie, as the end suggests it.
ottfried Way to NOT go Disney XD! Because it absolutely did not go anywhere. I absolutely did not enjoy this movie. I can't believe how much I actually did not enjoy it. I thought the actors they cast were okay. Tyler (Joey Pollari) is a slick kid, and the job they did on his change was surprising, and not a bad idea, but it was only to make him interesting to girls! Nick (Kelly Blatz), his big brother, was also okay as an actor, playing super brain dead! But the "hot" girls - they were more like an adult's wet dream of a teenage girl than any real girl anybody of that age has ever seen or dated. You keep the sex-industry alive, Disney - good work!The FX ware lame! Even for TV it was like seen better in movies from the 90's! And the romance bit was ultra lame - I mean, do we really have to be exposed to male-female stereotypes from the 50's with adult fantasies thrown in to cover our civilisation's fear of sex? Get real - sci-fi fantasy or not - there is nothing as demeaning to a teenager as being told that females only suck up to men with power and dexterity! Yeah, find a super power and you will get all the chicks! Be strong and manly, and you will be noticed and popular! Thanks for clinging to all the clichés of going to school!The plot was so un-surprising that it amazed me it did not come apart at the hinges - I almost fell asleep a few times and wished I could fast forward. What makes scriptwriters believe their teenage target audience still lives in the 70's - grow up yourselves, you!And then there's the weapon's bit - aren't you getting sick and tired of always combining masculinity and growing up with BIG GUNS - which we all know what you think stand for! This piece of muck should be wiped from the annals of movie history, not for its low standards in FX or for its acting, but for its admission to setting the bar so low that the scriptwriters' and producers' tiny inner children are the only ones, who can really get into it. Or better ever: Used as an example of how NOT to think of teenagers of today. Get real, Disney! Shame on you!And then there is the ending - the pre-ending with the cheering of the heroes, the winning of the girls, the waving of the American flag - and the real ending, right set up for an equally boring Skyrunners 2. Hey, there's an idea! You could totally call it "Children of yesterday" and have them travel back in time by going backwards around the Earth like Superman to totally mess with the antagonists, before they get a chance to become, what they become... Yawn...
doctorjagger This was a cool movie. You have to go easy on it considering it is a made for TV movie. I thought it was a really cool movie. A kid whose been picked on becomes someone with confidence and abilities to back it up. The acting (for the parts they where playing) was great. They delivered all the lines perfectly. They reacted very convincingly to everything that occurred. Whether it be fear, excitement, happiness, confidence, being tough...etc. People have to remember though, this is a TV movie. The acting can't be blockbuster level. The effects can't be blockbuster level. An so on. The one thing I can't wrap my head around is: How did they age the younger brother from pre-puberty to later puberty looks? I understand they can add fake facial hair, and use prosthetic make-up on his face to mature his facial features,and body suit to make his shoulders broader and musculature larger. But how did they make him taller, and how did they make his voice deeper?? I thought Joey Pollari did great!:) You couldn't tell he was a newcomer, he seemed very adjusted to the part. And Kelly Blatz was cool, he was cool as an older brother. Good actor.If this had been a blockbuster movie theater movie I would give it a 5.5/10. But it's not so as a TV movie I give it a 10/10!! Awesome! :) :) :)