Silent Hunter
Silent Hunter
| 26 May 1995 (USA)
Silent Hunter Trailers

Hardened, relentless cop Jim Parandine (Miles O'Keeffe) is pushed to the edge when his family is murdered by some criminals. He becomes a recluse in the mountains, where years later, the same criminals end up to rob a bank. Jim uses his Navy Seal training and police experience to hunt down the criminals one by one and get vengeance for his loved ones.

Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
HaemovoreRex This was directed by none other than 'The Hammer' himself, Fred Williamson who also happens to appear in this in a small role as the resolute town Sheriff.The plot is your run of the mill, staple revenge scenario wherein the hero (Miles O'Keefe) seeks violent retribution upon a group of sadistic psychos who previously brutally murdered his wife and child and left him for dead.Yep, you've seen it all before and this film doesn't strive to break any new ground which is a bit of a shame.To be fair, Williamson acquits himself fine behind the camera and contrary to many of the reviews on here, the actors do probably as best as could be done given the limited scope of the material and the stereotypical nature of the characters they found themselves lumbered with.In fact the biggest criticism I would lay against this film is that after all the killing and misery the miscreants wreck upon so many people throughout the movies running time, their final demises are completely unspectacular and unsatisfactory. I had exactly the same problem with Death Wish 2 wherein after all the brutality the bad guys inflicted upon so many innocents, their deaths were ultimately too quick and merciful i.e simply being shot or electrocuted. This disequilibrium leaves a distinctively sour taste in ones mouth. Come on Hollywood, let's see a film where the bad guys really SUFFER!!!Overall then, whilst the film reviewed here is not an unwatchable affair by any stretch of the imagination, it certainly falls far short of an enthralling watch and is decidedly average at best.
movieman_kev The level of acting in the film about an ex-cop in the wilderness who only looks to kill the murderers of his family when the happen to stumble over him is atrocious. The action stunted. And the plot clichéd to no end. Fred Williamson is a cool actor, but as a director he just doesn't cut it.Avoid at all costs, the film is dreadful. This is my second time reviewing this as IMDb deletes stuff willy nilly now.Eye Candy: Lynneadams has a quick flash, and Annie Dufresne shows that fine Canadian bod of hers Where i saw it: Starz Mystery My Grade: D-
mattb-12 I agree, reading the description it sounded like a decent movie with a very normal plot.But then it started. Ex-Navy Seal runs into these guys three times before he recognizes them. And really, what are the chances they will show up to do a job in some small town? Ok, I'll overlook that. Everyone else described the acting as wooden. Giving them some decent lines would have helped, but I totally agree with the wooden. Good acting can sometimes overcome poor writing. Unfortunately, it didn't exist. And that last 10 minutes. Come on, couldn't they come up with better ways to kill the bad guys? Wearing white with a brown backpack when he's trying to not be seen? Going back to the rest of the show, nice to know that cops are just cannon fodder and extremely stupid.Arggh. I'm glad I didn't rent or buy this one. I just get frustrated with movies that seem like they could be so much better, but just fail.This movie makes Steven Segal movies look good. (ha!)
JCFreak-2 I'm sorry but the actors in this movie could have tried a little harder. The plot was... okay; I'll give it that. But, the acting was board stiff. Come on, it sounded like the actors were walk ins reading off of cue cards. The best actors were the banker and Eli, and what do movies like this do to good actors... well they kill them off. To top it off the director or whatever tried to keep the viewers attention with gratuitous and wanton violence. When I rented this movie it actually sounded like an okay action movie. I'm probably just over critical, but as a Christian and a movie goer I advise you to stay away from this ultra-violent joke-of a movie.