PG-13 | 26 October 2011 (USA)
Sidewalls Trailers

Martin is a neurotic web designer taking baby steps out of the isolation of his one-room apartment and his virtual reality. Mariana is an artist fresh out of a a long relationship. They are perfect for each other, live on the same street, in opposite buildings, but they never meet. Can the movement of a modern city of three million people bring them together?

ThiefHott Too much of everything
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Hannah Duggan As soon as the movie began, I was hooked. The gorgeous shots of the buildings of Buenos Aires had my eyes glued to screen. As the story began, I was welcomed into the lives of Martin and Mariana, two people living in isolation from the big crowded world just outside their door. With the comforting mood of the movie, I felt as though I was there with them, living a peaceful and quiet existence, completely cut off from the busy and fast paced world surrounding me. It was nice. I felt relaxed and at ease as I watched the two characters struggle with relationships, phobias, and just life in general. If I were to use one word to describe this movie, it would be beautiful, but not just because of the gorgeous cinematography. I thought the movie was beautiful because it was real. It told a story about two imperfect characters living imperfect lives in their imperfect homes because that's what life is, imperfectly beautiful.
kalebdek The movie was very interesting, it started with cinematic shots of Beunes Aires. The narrative aspect really fit the film it made it unique and extraordinary. Although many of the people that I watched the movie with fell asleep or dazed off, I couldn't stop watching. I really enjoyed this movie because I felt empathy towards both the main characters. The scenes in this movie were unreal, its not very often where you get a film with the angles they got. This movie made me think about where I live, how lucky I am to not be stuck with the same routine everyday, and not have to like in a "shoebox". The acting was not my favourite but that didn't matter because the scenes were placed so well. The movie always had something happening and it was very well explained. To conclude I really enjoyed this movie and would recommend to anyone who has an eye for good shots and angles.
secondtake Sidewalls (2011)A wonderful, heartwarming, smart and funny film. Anyone would like this, so see it.Two lonely young people in two nearby apartments in Buenos Aries are everything in this fairy tale feel good romance. A romance where the two characters have never met. The city is lovingly brought to life through its buildings, most of them ordinary big city buildings much like the two characters are ordinary inhabitants. And the title, sidewalls (which is medianeras in Spanish for this home-grown Argentine movie), refers to the tall and often windowless side facades of the structures, including many apartment buildings, including the two where our hero and heroine reside.So what goes on? You see the almost painfully lonely lives of two really likable people, wishing they could somehow meet. They have similar interests, they live near to each other, and they are both looking for love. Small things happen in the movie, little asides, but really the whole things is just this gradual accumulation of expectation. They really should meet, somehow, cross paths and recognize their parallel needs. The audience is totally convinced they are perfect for each other.If only life would comply.Director Gustavo Taretto, who also wrote the sly monologues and voiceovers for the movie (there is almost no dialog), originally made this as a short in 2005, running at half an hour, and it got rave reviews and won a slew of awards. So it was expanded here, and somehow it doesn't seem stretched too long even though the idea is the same (and the same lead actor was used, with a different lead actress). If there is any drawback to the movie, however, it is a slowly growing feeling that there is just this one clever situation at hand and it needs to resolve, or end, or something, to keep the incredible magic of the first half going.Not that it exactly flags. The fairytale aspects get slightly improbable (as fairy tales do) by the last half hour, but it's exactly what you need. And then it's done, a fun and funny gem. It fits into a category of independent features worldwide using small casts, young actors and simple bright ideas. This is one of the best.
gregking4 The opening night film for the 2011 La Mirada Film Festival was the romantic drama Medianeras (aka Sidewalls), the debut feature from writer/director Gustavo Tarreto, who has made a lot of short films in his native Argentina. Medianeras is based on his own award winning 2005 short film, and tells the story of Martin and Mariana, two people living in separate apartments within the same block in Buenos Aires. They are unaware of each other's presence, even though they occasionally cross paths during their busy days. But it takes a chance connection to bring them together. The film superbly captures that sense of isolation and loneliness of living in a thriving metropolis. It also explores those random connections that can change a person's life. However, the film starts slowly with a dry lecture on architecture and the role it plays in shaping the rhythm and life of a city. It has been evocatively shot by cinematographer Leandro Martinez, and it develops a nice rhythm eventually. The central cast featuring Pilar Lopez de Ayala and Javier Drolas is also attractive. However, this slow paced drama is a little frustrating at times, and is an odd choice for opening night as it lacks any sort of grand cinematic moments.