Shoot on Sight
Shoot on Sight
R | 22 August 2008 (USA)
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Tariq Ali, a Muslim police officer of Scotland Yard, is asked to hunt-down suspected suicide-bombers against the backdrop of July 7 bombings in London. Tariq's task gets complicated as an innocent Muslim is killed by the commando shooters of Scotland Yard. On the other hand, Tariq - a British citizen is himself a suspect in the eyes of his boss, despite his long service in the Scotland Yard

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Scot MacAmbon I voted more because of the idea conveyed by this movie, even if it is not the best. I did not like the title All Catholics are not Pedophiles, all Muslims are not Terrorists! One can not mix religion and evil people. This movie - a fiction - is excellent to remind viewers that good Muslims are suffering too. Terrorists are like leaven poisoning the world with false teaching.
sergepesic We live in strange and turbulent times. The rise of terrorism in the Western world changed our lives forever. Needless to say, movie that tries to tackle this extremely complex topic is more than welcome. Sadly, " Shoot on Sight" is a wasted opportunity.The creators, apparently were'nt sure what they wanted to say.We get the usual clichés about racism and Islam, but no courage or even clear message. The movie was made very cheaply, which isn't necessarily a problem, but the shabby look, unclear artistic vision, and confusing and illogical plot made this film nothing more than average Sunday night thriller. Pity, it had way more potential.
simonsalias I'm failing to understand how anybody could give this more than three or four stars. Everything about it reeks of ITV drama; the entire premise has been simplified to a ridiculous point and the presence of serious budget restrictions are hard to ignore. Anyone who has complemented the soundtrack should get their ears checked, along with the rapid scene changes it just adds to the undue sense of melodrama.I was going to give one star but the performances of the lead characters deserve more than that. However the supporting cast are just shocking - although I feel a lot of this is due to the unnatural dialogue in the script.How this ever made it onto the big screen is beyond me.
kosmasp ...on both sides. I like movies, that dare to go places. This little film, does that too. It's not afraid and it's not pulling any punches. You get to see both sides of a coin. It's not only about the terrorists and/or the Police/western world. It doesn't show you, that one side is right and the other one isn't. Life is grey and this movie is too, in many ways.It tries to do justice to every aspect of a real life incident (happened in London) and although I am kind of fed up, by movies with the "based on true events" movies, this one does it's title justice. As good as that is possible. Of course there are flaws (and I'm not talking about the budget or the documentary feel that it has, it's obvious this ain't Hollywood), but with a hot topic like that, it's just not possible to do everyone justice and/or satisfy everyone. If you want that, you have to watch other movies too, to get many sides and other perspectives on that subject matter. You could start with this one of course ...