Sherlock Gnomes
Sherlock Gnomes
PG | 23 March 2018 (USA)
Sherlock Gnomes Trailers

Garden gnomes Gnomeo & Juliet recruit renown detective Sherlock Gnomes to investigate the mysterious disappearance of other garden ornaments.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
sln-48459 I liked it. I have watched it a couple of times and I giggle each time.
Animated Antic When an animated movie gets a sequel, I can typically understand why they usually get them. Sometimes they are made because the creators have brilliant new ideas to bring to the table while other times they are made because the first movie was a big hit at the box office and the creators see lots of money in their eyes and feel they can make more with a sequel. In most cases it's typically the latter, but in the case of "Sherlock Gnomes" it's neither. In fact, I absolutely have no idea why this movie exists. "Gnomeo and Juliet" wasn't a big critical hit nor was it a big box office hit, so why did the heads of Paramount Animation think that giving a mostly forgotten film from eight years ago a sequel would be a smart idea? I really don't know. What I do know though is that this film is bad. Really bad.A little while after the first film, the bickering neighbors Montague and Capulet settle their differences and move together to London where they set up their garden gnomes in a new garden. The leaders of the gnomes, Gnomeo (James McAvoy) and Juliet (Emily Blunt) are trying to make their garden more comfortable and beautiful for their friends and family. However, disaster strikes when all the gnomes in the garden are kidnapped by a pie mascot doll named Moriarty (Jamie Demetriou) and it's up to them Sherlock Gnomes (Johnny Depp) and his assistant Dr. Watson (Chiwetel Ejiofor) to find them. That's all there is to it with this plot. It's absolutely nothing new.The story is incredibly boring and dull due to how predictable it is. It goes through every twist and turn imaginable and even led to one of the dumbest plot twists that I've seen in an animated movie in a while. None of the jokes work as well. Although most of the bottom of the barrel jokes seen in the trailer were thankfully not seen in this movie, it's still incredibly unfunny with most being jokes about the characters being garden gnomes. It even opens up with three gnomes arguing over what story to tell using garden gnome puns like "Game of Gnomes" and "Spider-Man: Gnomecoming". I'm not making this up. The animation is totally wasted on this movie. The films computer animation incredibly dull and lifeless and barely has any shiny features to it yet the very few hand drawn portions are incredibly well done though it did make me mad that it went into this movie. Why of all movies coming out nowadays was a hand drawn animated scene put into "Sherlock Gnomes"? I mean, seriously! However, the film could have been saved if the characters were interesting and likable, but they're not. Gnomeo and Juliet are dry and tiresome, Sherlock Gnomes is incredibly annoying as is Moriarty. I guess Dr. Watson has a little likability in him, but not much."Sherlock Gnomes" is incredibly pointless and pretty boring for an animated movie sequel. It's story is predictable and lousy, it's animation is totally wasted and the characters are all dry and tiresome. I really don't know why this movie was made and I really don't suggest you should watch this movie. Besides, most of the cast of this movie (some of which are Oscar winners or nominees) have been in better animated movies, the director of this movie also made "Kung Fu Panda", and there's a much better animated parody of Sherlock Holmes known as "The Great Mouse Detective" which was made by Walt Disney Animation Studios and those are much better animated movies to watch than this mess. Check them out instead. It's rather elementary, my dear readers.
southdavid (Sigh) . . . Lacking, would be my one word review of "Sherlock Gnomes". Though the animation itself is nice, the basic story and lacklustre script will probably leave most of the children in the audience bored, let alone the adults. The vocal performances are a mixed bag. With Gnomeo and Juliet effectively sidelined for a lot of the film, their performers (James McAvoy and Emily Blunt) probably give the flattest turns, but this does allow for Johnny Depp and, particularly, Jamie Demetriou to shine as Holmes and Moriaty respectively. There is a song crowbarred in around the middle of the picture from Mary j Blige's Irene Adler, which is as inexplicable as it is awful. In fact, music in general it a bit of a problem for the film - with a few bars of various Elton John hits piped into certain scenes, but it's like hearing a panpipe version in a lift, recognisable but not entertaining. There is, as I say, some nice animation but there aren't nearly enough gags that land, and certainly not enough that would appeal to any of the older kids / adults in the audience.
rannynm Breaking news from London-garden gnomes have been kidnapped! "Oh fertilizer!" This is one of many amusing jokes from the very British characters in Sherlock Gnomes, sequel to the 2011 animated film Gnomeo and Juliet. Although the plot of this family-friendly movie is somewhat predictable, it is still quite funny and clever. In this sequel, the formerly star-crossed lovers Gnomeo (James McAvoy) and Juliet (Emily Blunt) are married and have just moved to London where they are appointed by their parents as joint heads of the garden. Both Juliet and Gnomeo feel the pressures of their new leadership roles and the marriage begins to suffer through lack of communication and mutual appreciation. Meanwhile, their gnome friends are disappearing from homes all over London, and they attempt to search for and save them. With the help of Sherlock Gnomes (Johnny Depp) and Watson (Chiwetel Ejiofor), the adventure begins - to defeat the evil pie company called Moriarty (Jamie Demetriou) and save all gnomes. We also see that poor Watson is quite ignored and under-appreciated by Sherlock.My favorite aspects of this movie are the music, Johnny Depp and the "planning" sequences. I love the song choices used in transitions between scenes. If you are a fan of Sir Elton John, you will be pleased to hear many of his hits, including "Don't Go Breaking My Heart," "I'm Still Standing," "Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting" and a fantastic new song performed by the great Mary J. Blige. Johnny Depp is hilarious with his condescending British accent. I have seen almost every movie he has ever been in and he never disappoints with his comedic intensity. Another interesting thing that happens is when we see the inner workings of Sherlock's mind in 2-D black-and-white animation. One clinker for me is when super-intelligent Watson, looking for Gnomeo, says "Gnomeo, Gnomeo! Oh don't make me say it - wherefore art thou, Gnomeo?" (Of course "wherefore" means "why" in Romeo and Juliet.)The message of this story is a good one - that you will succeed by respecting the people who support you. Sherlock learns that lesson when he realizes that Watson feels that Sherlock isn't listening to him or respecting him. Juliet learns it when she realizes that Gnomeo feels as if Juliet is ignoring him, too.I rate this film 5 out of 5 stars because, almost all the scenes kept me laughing, the music is great, and I love the message. I recommend this movie for ages 7 to 18.Reviewed by Lucia F, KIDS FIRST! Film Critic. For more reviews by youth, visit kidsfirst dot org.