NR | 11 October 2007 (USA)
Sharpshooter Trailers

An assassin working for the CIA decides to take one final job before quitting only to find out that he is the target of his CIA boss.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
JamiesFanGirl The plot of this movie does nothing for's entirely too predictable. Sniper hates job. Sniper takes one last assignment before retirement. Handler turns on Sniper at the end. Can you GET anymore cookie-cutter? Definitely one of those movies I finish and think, "This could have been SO much better if I'd written it!" (Sadly, the last time I finished this, I burst out laughing. NOT what I want to be doing at the end of a James Remar movie!) That being said, "Sharpshooter" does not get 8/10 stars...REMAR does. I'm a rabid fangirl. I find James Remar driving a black Charger and waving around an assault rifle absolutely hot. The movie itself only receives two stars...and that might be pushing it.
CasualView in fact whole movie is 100% "plot hole" - guards without cartridges in their weapon, sniper with a rifle running from the man with a gun and unable to return fire, jumping from underwater in a split second, immediately trusting betrayal-lady upon her statement she is "glad to see you"... Shuddering like from toothache when recall them, but since there are some popularity of "sniper invisible avenger" movies and James Remar isn't any worse than Tom Berenger (just needs better script and director) I'd give this move rate five and could recommend to leave it somewhere in DVD stack for one-time watching on rainy boring evening. If you like sniper movies of course, otherwise it's just loss of time.
noxidm When I picked up this movie from the video store I thought it would be similar to one of my favorite movies of all time, Shooter starring Mark Wahlberg, I was wrong. This film never got interesting. It was like a bad porn movie without all the sex and nudity. The whole storyline was awful. The sound was horrible; I was forever turning the volume up because I couldn't hear it then turning it down because it got too loud. I was tempted to turn it off many times during the movie but decided to watch to see if it got any better, which it didn't. I would not recommend watching this; there are far better movies out there. I was generous in giving this movie 2 out of 10.
harisdd I've seen only a long time ago such a bad, full of clichés movie. In fact I registered here only to be able to post that opinion. I couldn't even watch the movie until the end, it's so bad. Bad actor (totally unnatural), bad landscapes, bad gear (rifles and so on), tons of clichés (like jumping on the top of the car, to get the bad guys which are driving it or the agent. In other words, a movie made with really low budget. If you are able to push another button on the remote, do it, even if there are only news channels available. Even watching a boring stuff like "mating rituals in the bug world" would be a better alternative to this. Besides that, as outlined on this page, there are lots of mistakes which can be observed also but people which are not hunting them (I usually don't observe the mistakes). For example the point when Phillips is making the deal and the agent is caught: after catching him (it's dark night), beating him (still night) he is brought outside, to be killed (sunshine). My first impression was that the action continued next day, until I realized that the bad guy returned to the room where the deal was as if he returned after half of hour.