Shadows of the Orient
Shadows of the Orient
| 18 August 1937 (USA)
Shadows of the Orient Trailers

A classic "B" featurette about "smugglin' in Chinamen for $300 a load"

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
illbebad I don't think I am somebody who will watch ANY old b&w film and enjoy it (tried to watch an early Jon Hall poverty row film earlier tonight, gave up) but Shadows of the Orient isn't terrible. It isn't great, but , it's watchable. The pacing is slow no doubt, the budget tiny, but Esther Ralston, Regis Toomey, J. Farrell MacDonald and Sidney Blackmer are such professionals, they make so-so dialog work. Esther Ralston's character is the typical dumb rich girl, but hey, she is a pilot, which does play a role in the plot. as long as you are not expecting this film to be some great forgotten classic, chances are you will enjoy it.
catherine yronwode A passable but essentially hum-drum action movie. Usually a title like this indicates that we will be able to view a fabulous collection of Chinese knick-knacks or see a group of our favourite uncredited Chinese actors and actresses milling around on a sound-stage, but, alas, "Shadows of the Orient" features only a short Chinese gambling sequence (fascinating but brief) and the ho-hum assortment of items in a rich man's collecion of orientalia, none of which are clearly seen on camera. After that it is bi-planes to Mexico and a lot of fighting and shooting by sturdy immigration and border patrol types, all Caucasian, with the brief exception of James B. Leong, looking quite dashing as a Chinese immigrant-smuggler.
dbborroughs (This may contain a few spoilers) Socialite who likes to gamble gets mixed up with gangsters smuggling Chinese over the border from Mexico.Jaw droppingly inept this is a movie that even bad movie lovers will have a hard time sitting through. The problem is not that its so bad as to be bad, rather its because its so badly paced that its really really dull.Filled with fake sets, fake facial hair, racist attitudes, bizarre actions and dialog with a high "huh?" factor, this is a movie that bad movie lovers can sit and watch and make fun of, assuming they can stay awake. Rarely have I seen a movie where I mumbled "I can't believe they did that" over and over again. It begins almost at the outset where a police patrol plane begins to strafe the smugglers plane with machine gun fire even though it suspects it has people hidden in it, continues as the smuggling pilot remedies the situation and then goes on from there.What were these people thinking? A unique viewing experience certainly, but not one I need to repeat or one I can recommend. If you like bad movies give it a shot, but be warned you may not make it to the end with out snoozing.3 out of 10
Spuzzlightyear A disappointingly dull 'actioner' here, that tells of evil Chinese smugglers (which, interestingly enough, are being stashed over the border in Mexico. All of this of course, is controlled by gangsters. A blonde socialite is soon caught up in all of this by getting wooed by the head honcho of this enterprise, who decides to use her for his own means. Luckily, the hotshot police detective hired to the case also has the hots for her.. I was actually surprised at how incompetent this movie was. Filled with boring dialogue, inane fight sequences, and gun fight sequences taken right out of the 'Police Squad' book of crimefighting,. But at least the beginning (where a pilot has a hilarious, and unexpected way to deal with unwanted cargo), and the ending, with it's plane chase (but not the ridiculous plane chase before it, where a plane with a machine gun can't shoot a plane down that's 10 feet in front of it) is interesting, but the rest is an unmitigated bore.
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