Scales: Mermaids Are Real
Scales: Mermaids Are Real
PG | 21 July 2017 (USA)
Scales: Mermaids Are Real Trailers

Siren has lived her life thinking she's an ordinary girl, in an ordinary town. On her 12th birthday, she learns that she's far from ordinary.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
jerrilynnbthomas I came across Scales: Mermaids Are Real by chance on Starz. My 6 year old granddaughter and 3 year old grandson were mesmerized. They had to go home but I finished watching it. I loved it. I really like how she saved everyone in the end. The recording will get a lot of play in my house.
mcalhoon-13536 My daughters (9 and 12) like the Mako Mermaids, so we sat down and watched this. The acting was so bad, it is laughable. We laughed our way thru this, and its ridiculous dialogue. The mermaids start singing right in front of Siren...Siren asks "Are they singing?" ha. Another silly point: The bad guys seek Siren's blood. Siren offers to simply give them some of her blood, without a fight. But they still insist on trying to abduct her for some reason. ??? On the mermaid tail itself, costuming didn't spend much time nor money on it, to even attempt it to look real. Truly laughable. It's destined for "Mystery Science Theatre 3000". Yes, this is THAT poorly made.
Julien Tatarov Everything in this movie, if you can even call it a movie (it's just some random videos mixed together) is terrible. I don't think even little girls can have some fun watching this. It's not a kids movie, it's not a family movie, it's just a bad movie is what it is.The whole story doesn't make any sense. There are these mermaids in some small coastal town, and it's like this big secret. But some of them are only half mermaids half human, so they just disappear from town when they have to go and live for 3 years in the water. Also it turns out all of the teachers in the school are mermaids, and they have these "top secret" meetings in the "river room" which is not a room, but some roof on a power plant. And they carry these spears around which they call "wailing sticks" like it's totally normal. No problem. And the lead girl has to constantly drink water in the movie and people to throw stupid fish jokes at her, so we don't forget she's a mermaid. What? There's just far too many flaws in the script and the dialog is dreadful. The acting is just plain bad, with the only fresh face in this movie being the kid from 'IT', Jack Grazer. All the other actors are not good at all, especially the guy playing his father and the crew of mermaid hunters...oh my .. they are just unbelievably awful, all of them, it's just painful to watch.The directing, the cinematography and the editing are just as bad as the script. Some of the shots are like someone took his phone out of his pocket during break and said 'Let's just shoot this scene right now'.I don't like being this negative about things, but come on people, you could have at least not made the little mermaid kill a guy at the end. Ridiculous.
Scott Butler This was a wonderful movie about growing up, dealing with changes in life and becoming aware of how the world really can be as we begin the journey of leaving childhood and how we are forced to rapidly mature to deal with what life throws at us when we have no choice but to survive. All of this wrapped up by the whimsical fantasy that Mermaids live among us, set against a beautiful coastal town backdrop.I was lucky enough to attend the screening of "Scales: Mermaids Are Real" at the Newport Beach Film Festival. I wasn't quite sure what to expect, especially as this movie is targeted to a younger audience, but I came away feeling that I truly enjoyed the movie. There was never a dull moment, the writing was fantastic, the lead Emmy Perry delivered a flawless natural performance and the entire ensemble was perfectly cast for their roles and did a great job.The cinematography was incredible, it provided some stunning imagery on the screen, some wonderful locations and a gradual shift from the warm coastal scenery to the colder, more daunting side of town and the inhabitants living there. I wholeheartedly recommend this for all the family, I really think this is a true gem of a movie.