Salvation Boulevard
Salvation Boulevard
R | 15 July 2011 (USA)
Salvation Boulevard Trailers

Set in the world of mega-churches in which a former Deadhead-turned-born again-Christian finds himself on the run from fundamentalist members of his mega-church who will do anything to protect their larger-than-life pastor.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
vincentlynch-moonoi I didn't really know anything about this film when I sat down to watch it. And it started off well, with an over-the-top evangelist (Pierce Brosnan) debating an atheist (Ed Harris). I settled back in my chair and listened to their short debate and thought the film showed promise. Then it alternatingly got a little foolish or a little serious, and frankly, it was when segments were more serious that the film shined. But then another comedy/satire scene would come on, and it would all fall apart. When I read about the film and realized what a flop it had been I questioned whether I wanted to finish watching it. I did, but...So, in the first part of the movie the evangelist accidentally shoots the atheist in the head with a Civil War pistol...first, but not the last bit of silliness. It mostly went downhill from there.The sad thing is that this film had a decent cast. I remember Pierce Brosnan from way back in 1981 in the miniseries "Manions of America", and I thought that there is an actor to watch. I've since been more disappointed than impressed, although every once in a while he has managed an impressive performance...this is not one of them, although the role of a powerful leader of a mega-church certainly held promise. Greg Kinnear has often impressed me, although considering his beginnings on "Talk Soup", that surprised me. Again, this was not one of his performances -- as an ex-Deadhead and member of the mega-church -- that impressed me. I'm not familiar with Jennifer Connelly, and also not impressed in terms of this performance. I often enjoy performances of Marisa Tomei, and I feel she is an underrated actress. This casting of her was a pot-smoking campus security guard. Ed Harris is not usually one of my favorites, although I concede he's a fine actor. And here I really enjoyed him; too bad he had so little screen time as the atheist. Jim Gaffigan as a worker in the mega-church...please Satan, deliver me from any more of his screen work. Ciarán, here is a character actor I only recently discovered, and he's always impressed he does here as the father-in-law of Kinnear. Yul Vazquez as a Mexican crime lord...well, okay.Bottom line -- this film might have had a chance as a straight drama. But as a comedy/satire it was a disaster.
mountainstonePT While this is not Casablanca, this is a great little sleeper of a film. Great cast, funny script, good production values, I'm just astonished it bombed at the box office. The story of a preacher gone bad, a dead head turned believer, and a cast of character actors that are very well cast. It's a slapstick of a film, but we live in a world where that isn't enough. The plot is right on the money, with with a series of turns and twists that entertain at every junction. I've never seen Pierce Brosnan as well cast as the Evangelical that goes astray. Greg Kinnear is superb in the role of the deadhead turned believer who has his faith tested. Ed Harris is perfect in the role of anti-Christ author, Marisa Tomei is just hilarious as the redeemer of Greg. Jennifer Connelly plays a very convincing wife who just can't believe that the pastor is in the wrong. Isabelle Furman plays a wonderful role in the daughter who is caught in the middle.Great funny lines, incredibly fun acting. If you are looking for a fun night and need a video, this is it. I have to imagine this film might be more successful over time, and as people discover it. If you are a born again Christian, this might not be your cup of tea.
Tony Heck "I am the anointed servant of God and I tell you to be silent!" Deadhead turned born-again-Christian Carl (Kinnear) is friends with the pastor of his local mega-church Dan Day (Brosnan) and is invited to accompany him to scientist Dr. Paul Blaylock's (Harris) house for a discussion. When a terrible accident happens Carl finds himself fingered in the incident and does everything he can to prove he is innocent. Things aren't always easy though. Having never seen a preview for this I was excited for this based off the cast alone. While I will say this is a good movie and a very dark comedy I was a little disappointed. The main flaw this had was that the movie had a good idea but had only ten minutes of it. There was a lot of repeating going on and a few scenes that seemed like they were only put in to increase the running time. I have to say that Brosnan and Kinnear played very similar parts to the ones they played in "The Matador" (which is a better movie) but it seems to fit them. It may sound like I'm bashing this movie. I don't mean to if that's how it comes off. I did enjoy it and laughed a few times but based off the cast I was a little disappointed (but after movies like "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy" and "Son Of No One" I need to stop thinking just because the cast is great means the movie will be great.) Overall, a decent dark comedy that is worth watching but tone down your expectations. I give it a B-.
kosmasp Especially if they are religious. Of course if you really look close into the movie, you could also make the case that this might actually be quite good to religion. Or to those who believe in God that is. You can always read things into it, if you are willing to. I think one should be open minded to movies like this. It's not really offensive. Men (and women) are weak, that's just the way it is.Plus the cast is phenomenal! Every role is a name actor, even if it's the smallest, it seems they got someone with value. When Jim Gaffigan is the least known (a really good comedian), than you know you have hit the jackpot. You might argue that some characters are not really drawn all that well or thorough, but there is only limited time. While they could've done some things better, that is something you can always say about a movie
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