Rx (Simple Lies)
Rx (Simple Lies)
| 21 April 2005 (USA)
Rx (Simple Lies) Trailers

What is meant to be a weekend party across the border soon becomes a heartbreaking journey that tests the boundaries of companionship, romantic love and personal ethics.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
yelofneb-63037 ***could contain unintentional but possibly or, sooner, probably inconsequential spoilers***.It is almost unbelievable to consider that the director of this movie would go on to make a movie as compelling as The Iceman, but I guess that Ariel Vroman deserves a lot of points for not having given up after Rx.Having spent 90 minutes of my life watching Rx, based on the great impression created by The Iceman, I'm led to wonder whether Vroman learned by his mistakes, or if it is possible that the investors hacked Rx into the boring unsatisfactory mess of a story that it ends up being. He simply must have had better unrealized intentions here.It's not the fault of the lead actors. While Eric Balfour isn't well known as a box office inspiration, he is a capable and likable actor who showed particular thespian skill during his run on Six Feet Under. Colin Hanks was born with not only the gene but also the will to be an exceptionally capable actor. His performance as Doug in Alone With Her is masterpiece creepiness, showing the actor's willingness to take the risk of sacrificing likable popularity in order to display his acting chops. Lauren German is, likewise, a competent skilled performer--who delivers the most humanly real performance of all in Rx, despite being starved of substantial lines.For anyone who feels the need, as I did, to check out Vroman's work before The Iceman, you can skip Rx. In fact, if the plot had focused on Melissa's (German) trip to Mexico, it might even seem like a better class of Lifetime movie; and that, right there, is the problem with Rx--it lacks focus, while pretending, through all of its 90 minutes, to eventually come to a conclusive point.I could go into more detail about Rx's failings--and they are many--but it has already robbed me of too much precious time. Skip it, unless you should find yourself somehow trapped, somewhere, with only one channel and the only thing on is Rx.
Wizard-8 I know the big struggles independent filmmakers often have trying to make movies, so I don't want to come across as a grouch concerning this movie. But quite frankly, I just don't think this movie succeeds. The main problem with the movie is the script. For starters, it is badly paced - the first half of the movie is really padded out, so much so that viewers will quickly become impatient by the movie's seeming reluctance to throw in some kind of conflict. The second half of the movie is a little more successful, with big problems coming up for the protagonists and a few scenes of (mild) suspense. But ultimately, this half of the movie does not succeed because of another problem with the screenplay - the protagonists are annoying. They fail to generate even a little bit of sympathy from the audience, being stupid and law-breakers. I will admit that the movie even during its first (slow) half is not boring, and it looks good for what was a rock bottom budget. But ultimately, there seems to be no point to this movie. It isn't insightful, it isn't really all that entertaining, and it's only slightly more engaging than watching a blank wall for 85 minutes.
boyinflares I'm not sure what "Rx" stands for, but in New Zealand, the film is released as "Simple Lies" which is an appropriate title, as lies are plentiful in this slick thriller in which three early-20 year-olds venture to Mexico with various intentions, mainly which involve getting drugs to take back to the States and sell for a profit.Eric Balfour stars as Andrew, who has come into financial issues, and plans to buy drugs in Mexico to take back to the States and sell, which is unknown to his girlfriend, Melissa, played by Lauren German, who goes to Mexico with him, along with their friend Jonny (Colin Hanks) who knows the two drug dealers they are going to meet, while Melissa thinks they are going to Mexico just for a big party.Without giving too much away, something goes horribly wrong on the way back to the States, so before they reach the border, they turn back into Mexico, where they return to the drug dealers, Pepe (Alan Tudyk) and Raul (Ori Pfeffer), which puts strain on the relationship between Andrew and Melissa. Our protagonists are forced to fight for their lives, resulting in a dramatic and tragic ending.I say dramatic and tragic, because even though what Andrew does is morally wrong, he is still a very good person, as he does what he does for what he thinks are the right reasons. Balfour does a great job of conveying Andrew's plight, German and Hanks are both good in their roles, but Balfour is without a doubt the star of the film. The characters of the drug dealers Pepe and Raul are so incredibly annoying that I was practically cheering when they got their cometh-upeth. Overall, a very decent thriller which showcases Balfour's talents well.
ctwemple Nothing is more tiresome than wasting ninety minutes viewing a predictably vacuous hipster road flick. One finds it annoying having to come up with ten lines of text to critique this silly piece of fluff. RX is a low-rent Maria Full of Grace. This unimaginative film seems as though it was computer-programmed to appeal to a demographic weaned on stylish music videos and suburban dreams of transgression. The movie has a predictable look, a predictable sound track, a predictable bunch of characters and a predictable plot-line. Utterly forgettable, this product has a half-life of six months and is destined for the dustbin of the spent diversions of the global youth culture.
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