| 04 November 2016 (USA)
Rupture Trailers

A single mom tries to break free from a mysterious organization that has abducted her.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
johannes2000-1 This is a very unsatisfying movie. The premise is okay, albeit that we've seen the likes of it (i.e. humans being abducted by aliens) lots of times before and to be honest, much better. The first half of the movie, where we have no clue whatsoever about the identity of the abductors, is bearable, it has uspense and a Kafkian athmosphere. The attempt of Renee to escape is very thrilling, but when some 20 minutes later it's clear that it didn't work and she's back to square one, it all impresses as totally superfluous for the story, simply adding nothing at all. The last ten minutes of the movie we see the changed Renee back in her own home. I won't give the end away, but it's as if the movie is cut-off suddenly then and there, as if we've seen the pilot-episode of a meant-to-be series and the further episodes should bring us gradually all the answers. Now we hardly know anything. Who (or what) are they, where do they come from, what do they want, what's so special about Renee that she (as well as some other victims) is picked out of the whole human population?? It is and stays a total mystery. In short, a failed and unnecessary movie, notwithstanding good acting by Noomi Rapace and some creepy scenes.
dedeurs We have had our share of invaders and body snatchers, but 'Rupture' manages to be quite inventive and is so unsettling that it gave me the sweats. I was well into the movie before I got an inkling who the kidnappers really are. Nope, no genre clichés here.Noomi Rapace's acting is very good (Revenge! Revenge!, I was screaming silently) and the rest of the cast is also highly effective. So, that one special effect wasn't necessary, or could have been done in a more subtle way, as the calm humane smiles of the abductors are horrifying enough in themselves. Reminds me of Rosemary's Baby where the cove celebrates the birth of Satan's son in the best of spirits and all keep treating the totally freaking out mother with a maddening mix of indifference and kind patience. Quite chilling. The movie is what Homo sapiens regards these days as slow. It didn't bother me at all, I was spellbound from beginning to end. I gambled on (even hoped for) an 'unhappy' ending, and yes. I read that that's what irked about half of the viewers. Yet it seems to me that the makers kept the door for a possible sequel ever so slightly open. I'm a conservative sequence & prequel & spin-off hater, but for once I would welcome a Part II. Although this cast is wonderful, I think it would then be best if it featured a different one (continuing with Renee's son for instance, and again No Happy End!). Whatever director Steven Shainberg and screenwriter Brian Nelson may tackle next, I'm going to keep an eye on them. I found the dialogues not easy to understand, particularly during the soft spoken and even whispered moments. Screened a copy with a low volume threshold. But hey, as a foreigner I am also linguistically not fine tuned...
SnoopyStyle Single mom Renee (Noomi Rapace) is alone driving when she gets a flat. Some men stop and kidnap her. It's a secret organization and they have more prisoners to conduct experiments on. Peter Stormare, Ari Millen, Michael Chiklis and Kerry Bishé play some of her tormentors.This seems like a small budget indie with not much in terms of writing or production. So it is very surprising that it has such good actors. Shainberg must have great connections. He got great actors in his other films despite not really proving much other than some experimental creds. I guess this has some outlandish aspects. It is not a simple slasher porn or a Twilight Zone sci-fi. It is not a grotesque bloody horror and there is nothing profound working here. It is a nothing indie.
Michael Ledo Renee (Noomi Rapace) and her son are being watched. It isn't long before she is strangely abducted and experimented upon. Our only clues are the words G-10 12X and the fact everyone rubs cheeks with her and says, "Nice Skin." We have 45 minutes of build up with Renee struggling and it gets as frustrating for the audience as it does for Renee. Eventually things move on and it is unceremoniously revealed what is happening with a sci-fi yawn.If watching Noomi strapped to a table (with clothes no groping) for much of film, wondering what is going on is on your bucket list, I can say this one will let you scratch it off.Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.