R | 11 February 2014 (USA)
BlackJacks Trailers

After losing contact with a clandestine energy-research facility, a powerful venture capitalist contracts an elite team of operatives to retrieve the physicist who holds the key to an unprecedented alternate energy source.

Micitype Pretty Good
Steineded How sad is this?
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
hobotshy Not bad at all if you don't expect blockbuster production. Characters mostly make logical decisions, it doesn't insult your brain. Nice military tactics, with lots of spec ops equipment. Special effects could be better, and there is very little character development, but movie is overall pleasant surprise.I was expecting low budget horror movie, but decided to give this one a chance. I liked how special team members mostly follow almost all that you can see about close quarters combat in other documentary shows. Acting is not great but watchable.And there are some very nice looking ladies in the movie...
David Frohurst I watched this film cause someone gave it a okay review, and I thought I was going to watch a film about the U.S.'s elite fighting force, wrong.Stop there do not waste your time or money on this film, as someone has already pointed out the title is very miss-leading, the characters may of been ex-seals so why use this title? should of been called "Mercenary Patrol" if any thing.Then we come to the acting/story line oh dear oh dear oh dear, the most exciting part of this film was the shower scene, then you have to ask yourself why was it shown, apart from showing the young ladies obviously curvy body.My advice to the director are words that remind me when I was at school...."You could do better".
piersma I based my decision to watch this on the rather positive review and was disappointed.The story is flimsy, there doesn't seem to be much of a connection between events.The characters are flat, as a viewer I didn't see any personal side of the roles being portrayed, as a result of this, none of the potentially heavy events (deaths) moved me in the slightest.The acting is poor, especially one 'grumpy character' is being portrayed in an overdramatised way, there's a sense of high-school-play.the effects are rather fake and some shots have obviously been used several times (bullets hitting, undefined movement) The black and white stills didn't quite add anything either.there is no buildup of tension whatsoever. Wouldn't recommend anyone to watch.
Don Shroyer I just watched this recent flick with a friend. We wanted something to accompany our corn chips and cream cheese, and various forms of libation. We thought the joke would be that the movie would go well with the "cheese." We were both pleased to find that the movie, an action/military/science fiction film, was actually well done. The opening scene was a rather cleverly done shooting range/simulation test where a new recruit of the "BlackJacks" seeks to qualify. The BlackJacks are an elite, highly trained, ex-military, blah blah blah... ala the Navy SEALs. You get the idea, although no actual SEAL seems represented. From there, we were hooked.There are no big stars in this movie, a couple I know I have seen here or there, and some who have done voices for action/military genre video games. They all do their parts credibly to provide an enjoyable view. Eric Roberts is the only one with a household name. And he does his usual good job adding some class and sophistication to his role. He is a CEO who sends the 'Jacks into Afghanistan to his super-secret but malfunctioning lab to recover the genius in charge of some experimental energy research.The action is fairly constant but not overdone. Hardware and tactics seem authentic and believable. It has the look and feel of one of those action/military video games like Call of Duty, with good cinematography instead of expensive special effects. The science fiction comes in when stuff goes wrong and it becomes clear why the lab is off-line. There is also some gore here, but it's not overdone either. That and some brief nudity get it an R rating.All in all, this movie held our interest and was fun to watch. If you like action movies with a military flavor, I recommend this movie to you.
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