Rookie of the Year
Rookie of the Year
PG | 07 July 1993 (USA)
Rookie of the Year Trailers

12-year-old Henry Rowengartner, whose late father was a minor league baseball player, grew up dreaming of playing baseball, despite his physical shortcomings. After Henry's arm is broken while trying to catch a baseball at school, the tendon in that arm heals too tightly, allowing Henry to throw pitches that are as fast as 103 mph. Henry is spotted at nearby Wrigley Field by Larry "Fish" Fisher, the general manager of the struggling Chicago Cubs, after Henry throws an opponent's home-run ball all the way from the outfield bleachers back to the catcher, and it seems that Henry may be the pitcher that team owner Bob Carson has been praying for.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Hitchcoc If you are unwilling to accept the basic premise of the film, that a child who has surgery on a broken arm is suddenly able to throw a pitch over 100 miles per hour, you aren't going to like this movie. I've been a baseball fan for 60 years and I know when a baseball movie is going to present an accurate portrayal of the game. If you read anything about this film and you are a purist, there are probably another ten movie to pick from this day. That said, this is a delightful film with a joyfulness that brings back memories of what it was like to be a mediocre baseball player, still hoping to be a major leaguer someday. The boy in this film is klutzy, so his entrance into a major league game is filled with fear and worry. There are good guys and bad guys, especially the father candidate. At some point, we know that reality will set in and, like "Damn Yankees," someone is going to have to face a real situation. This is just charming and fun. Enjoy it. It was never meant to be a documentary.
Tron North Movie is so retarded and very boring. It's not even funny only dumb people will find it funny and also the kid is annoying. He's not even funny and forcing people to run by calling them a chicken they won't even allow that in a real league. Also they wouldn't let the kid to annoy a pitcher to make him throw the ball at the base and stalling the game. Another retarded part is when the pitcher throws the ball at the base when the annoying kid wouldn't shut up and when he threw the ball it was obvious that there was a delay in it between shots of the scene. In real life it wouldn't take more than a second for the ball to reach the base. The kid is lame he's not even funny whatsoever only retards will find it funny or people who doesn't know about editing and delays. Daniel stern is the only funny actor in this movie especially home alone series. I'm so thankful this kid wasn't as Kevin but being abuse by family would be funny. You also don't get super strength after getting your cast off, in fact I know 7 people who had to cast their arm and when it healed it didn't give them strength proving this movie is extremely fake.
daniel-schlachta ... or Gary Busey or the Cubs or twelve year old kids this thing is probably not for you. Otherwise I found some really good laughs in it. The story was appealingly filmed and professionally cut and so on. My point is that most Europeans don't have a clue about the game and it is quite important for the story. (For how long will this go on? - Well it's the third inning and they play at least eight. - God help me!) It is great to see how the boy is brought up by his mother to be nice to people and show them respect and how the really manly men repay the favor. All in all I give it a ten because it achieves what it aims for. Do watch it. If you can tell a sinker from a curve ball that is.
disdressed12 this is a movie the whole family can's fun and there's nothing offensive about it.sure it is a bit over the top on occasion,and there is one running joke that is stretched a bit too'll know which one i mean about halfway through the film or earlier.but other than that,it's enjoyable,and you can allow your inner child to live on courtesy of the fantasy elements.also,it helps that the lead,Thomas Ian Nicholas(13 years old at the time)is engaging and charismatic.this movie won't change your life,but it should provide some laughs and keep you entertained for one hundred minutes or so.for me,Rookie of the Year is a 7/10
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