Sadly Over-hyped
Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Das Rad (2003) *** (out of 4) Neat film received an Oscar-nomination for Best Animated Short. The film works on the basic idea that two piles of rocks, who can speak to one another, are fearing another ice age. The entire short is built around time going forward thousands of years and these rocks being there through it all. I guess it's fair to say you'll never really look at a rock the same way again and the next time you pick one up to throw it, there's a good chance you'll remember this movie and think about the history you're holding in your hands and ask what all has happened in the presence of that rock. The movie doesn't do anything overly special with the exception of the wonderful build up and the eventual execution. This is certainly the type of movie that makes you think after wards and the thoughts you have after the movie are probably going to be more impressive than the ones you have while watching it. This here is certainly a nice little gem that deserves to be seen.
This is a stop-animation short, featuring two "people," actually just rock formations but, in animated short subjects (cartoons, to most people) we all know inanimate objects are real and talk like people! Anyway, these two likable stoners are near the top of a hill and just kind of observe what is going around them. At first, there is nothing and the short rock-man just sits and fiddles with this round rock. It's like it fascinates him but he can't figure out what to do with it.Both "guys" watch as humans eventually arrive in the distance and slowly build things. Before you know it, there is road leading past them. The little rock discovers the purpose of that round rock - it's a wheel, and apparently, he says, everything revolves around that "transport" invention.Later, a huge metallic city arrives - denoting much more passage of time and "progress" - but that doesn't last long....at least when considering the thousands of years that rocks survive. In the end, the rock people and their surroundings are back where they started with only the annoying problem of moss growing on their heads to bother these simple but likable "people." This is a lot of fun to watch, with great animation and a cute and clever story.
This little gem appeared on the Animation Show Volume 1, which I can only recommend. If you found this film then you'll like it.I wont give the plot away but it's really clever and supremely executed. The use of stop motion is extra fitting. The voice acting is also very good, at least as far as I could understand the German.Technically this deserves any awards it won. It must have taken forever to coordinate and set up the quite complex shots. I'm not sure weather they dabbled in digital imagery but I think we can assume it. The core of the film is the charming stop-motion however.If you managed to find this page, and read this review, then you really should take the final step and track down this short. In todays digital age it wont be too hard. It's really worth it.
They say that good art is something that once seen changes one's perspective forever. If so this short qualifies. Once you see it you'll always be a bit aware of the rock's perspective of time.Bravo on an really well-conceived short film.