The Cure
The Cure
PG-13 | 21 April 1995 (USA)
The Cure Trailers

Erik, a loner, finds a friend in Dexter, an eleven-year-old boy with AIDS. They vow to find a cure for AIDS together and save Dexter's life in an eventful summer.

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Konterr Brilliant and touching
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
tamarabarrow-36733 this is real take it serious, who will believe that a herb can cure ten years HIV in my body, i never believe that this will work i have spend a lot when getting drugs from the hospital to keep me healthy, what i was waiting for is death because i was broke, one day i hard about this great man who is well know of HIV and cancer cure, i decided to email him, unknowingly to me that this will be the end of the HIV aids in my body, he prepare the herb for me, and give me instruction on how to take it, at the end of the two week, he told me to go to the hospital for a check up, and i went, surprisingly after the test the doctor confirm me negative, i thought it was a joke, i went to other hospital was also negative, then i took my friend who was also HIV positive to the Dr voodoo after the treatment she was also confirm negative . He also have the herb to cure cancer please i want every one with this virus to be free, that is why am dropping his email address, i want you to email him he is a great man. the government is also interested in this Dr voodoo thank you for saving my life, and I promise I will always testify for your good work.
booneamanda God bless Dr. Abai for his wonderful work in my life, I was diagnosed with HIV since 2013 and I was taking my medication, I was not satisfied I needed to get HIV out of my body system, I searched for a possible cure for HIV I saw a comment about how HIV is cured with herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, the remedy for my health began, he sent me the drugs through courier services. I took drugs prescribed for him and 19 days later I was cured of HIV, Dr. Abai true that they are great man, needs your help too? visit Dr Abai website: if it will be a similar problem to contact him through his WhatsApp number +2348156769001 or contact him via e-mail:
bts1984 'The Cure' is a touching film about a true friendship. A friendship that exceeds all of the preconceptions. I agree that this is a tale of happiness under tragic circumstances. Plus, it portrays an ignorant side of society. Many believe that AIDS is strictly a "gay" disease and transmittable through the air and mock and treat miserably those who have it. This movie can teach us all many lessons and morals.This story is about two unlucky boys with different personalities and some problems in common (both are rejected and unwelcome by society). Erik is, I assume, 12 years old (like Brad Renfro himself back then), an easy target for a bunch of dorks and his mother is a horrible person and ignorant (and so is his unseen grandmother). Erik's neighbor Dexter is 11 (like Joseph Mazzello at the time). Dexter has a loving mother but he is a cursed child. He is very nice and sweet but he got AIDS from a blood transfusion when he was a baby and just because of his illness he is treated by the ignorants as if he was a plague. This is Dexter's drama. Poor Dexter!Erik and Dexter got off to a bad start but Erik quickly learns to like and respect Dexter and they become great friends. Together they live adventures and moments of fun and happiness at the same time they attempt to find a cure to save Dexter. Their friendship has no boundaries and both find out they're braver than they ever imagined, as their courage helps them in sticky situations. Erik gives Dexter a chance to live life as it should be lived.There is a number of heartwarming moments, such as the scene when Erik gives his tennis shoe to Dexter to comfort him and make him feel safer. Another part that gets me every time is the tense sequence when Dexter stabs his hand and says the haunting line «My blood is like poison» and gets far weaker after this bravery act and has to be taken to a hospital.During Dexter's stay at the hospital, there are some fun moments which serve as a perfect comic relief under a tragic circumstance. The boys prank the doctors that Dexter is unconscious in two occasions. Dexter scares the hell out of the doctors and laughs a lot. But in a 3rd attempt to prank them, when Erik asks Dexter «Are you ready for another victim?» and Dexter smiles and nods "Yes", the sad irony is that Dexter no longer wakes up. The cure is not found. The nice tyke doesn't make it.The two boys take the movie all by themselves and shine like stars: Brad Renfro as Erik and Joseph Mazzello as Dexter.Brad Renfro was talented and always looked mature for his age. That and the fact that his voice sounded mature for the age made him look some years older than he really was. Shame he did put himself in a bad spot few years after this movie was made and passed away early.Joseph Mazzello always proved to be a fine young actor. He is simply wonderful in this serious role. And he was a very cute kid and had the cutest and most adorable voice, along with Judith Barsi.Annabella Sciorra's acting as Linda also deserves my praise. The soundtrack is worth of my praise too, it sounds so peaceful-minded, fits perfectly in the mood of the film. This movie is a classic, deserves much better luck than it got.Title in Portugal: 'Laços de Amizade'.
Andreas Niedermayer The Cure is an outstanding real-life drama that deals with a very sensitive subject. It is the story of the profound and dear friendship between two boys, Eric and Dexter. The latter has acquired AIDS from a blood transfusion. Thus he and his mom (Annabella Sciorra) have become outcasts, shunned by the public and labeled as dangerous company, basically due to a common lack of public knowledge of the disease.When Eric (Brad Renfro, known from 'The Client' and 'Apt Pupil') and his mom move into the house next to them, he has to deal with public insults and the fear of catching AIDS himself. However, Eric overcomes his fear and risks everything. At first he starts talking to Dexter, but eventually he climbs over the fence and joins the witty boy (played by Jurassic Park's Joseph Mazzello) and his games. Very quickly he develops a real friendship with Dexter, who is delicately built and frail due to his condition.The central theme of the movie – the theme which makes it pervasively authentic and tragic at the same time – is how Eric and Dexter try to find the ultimate cure. At first they experiment with all kinds of plants and leaves – which is very naive, but also genuine at the same time, as it shows how young kids deal with such heinous diseases and how strongly they still believe in the magic of the world. When they hear about an alleged cure which has been developed in the South, they do not hesitate and take off for an adventure that will bring them even closer together and symbolizes the ultimate quest for hope.So they board a raft and head southwards on the Mississippi River. What starts as a real adventure becomes a dangerous undertaking, which is emotionally intriguing and instructive at the same time. The scene when Dexter reveals his fears and talks about the end of the universe, where everything is dark and cold, Eric hands him his sneaker, a symbol that wherever the boy may have to go, Eric is and will always be with him; he will never have to be alone. This sequence, which is one of the most compelling ones of the movie, features a very convincing interaction between the two actors, who manage to avoid awkward and corny dialogs and deliver a very genuine performance that is eventually smashing in its tenderness and honesty.I will not go any further in outlining the plot, as I do not intend to give away too much information. The ending however is emotionally tough and makes the audience so much a part of the tragedy that everyone who watches the movie will feel personally affected. This aspect makes this movie so strong, so outstanding and so convincing. The emotional burden on every character is so real and so thrashing that even the tougher members of the audience might need some hankies.A 10 is doing justice to this movie and is not too high a rating. There is hardly any other movie I have seen in my life so far that handles such an emotional issue with so much wit and sensibility. It is the story of how two boys make each other's life richer and how they teach each other lessons of life. Thus Dexter overcomes his isolation and sadness, and Eric learns what really counts in life; and both of them realize how much of a gift real friendship is when it comes to the hardest moments of life.This movie is tragic – but its message is sheer inspiration.