Rider on the Rain
Rider on the Rain
| 21 January 1970 (USA)
Rider on the Rain Trailers

A US Army colonel in France tries to track down an escaped sex maniac.

Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Alex da Silva Bus passenger Marc Mazza lands in a Southern French town/village and immediately notices local girl Marlène Jobert (Mel). He does more than notice her……and she takes revenge. Mysterious Charles Bronson turns up soon afterwards and is interested in the whereabouts of this mysterious passenger along with a bag that he was carrying. He cosies up to Jobert and tries to get her to confess the truth as to what has happened but she is wise to the game he is playing even if she doesn't fully understand it. Neither do we. Who is Bronson and what does he want? The film has two very different sections. The beginning segment grips us with suspense and a feeling of dread that plays against a background of rainfall. Then Bronson appears and things get mysterious but also slightly comic and the film exudes a James Bond-like atmosphere. The cast are good, especially Annie Cordy (Juliette) in the mother role. You are definitely convinced that there is a lot more to her character. She is very strong. However, at the film's heart we have Jobert and Bronson and Jobert is the better actor. Bronson is whatever Bronson does – cruising through the film throwing in some comedy here and there. It's an entertaining film with a satisfying conclusion and leaves you on the upbeat. It could have been very different given the final section as things unravel.
Armand a real good thriller. and one of most impressive roles by Charles Bronson. the mixture of innocence and force of Marlene Jobert character, the tension and the large slices of ambiguity, the fight and resistance , the perfect story and its nuances exploration are bricks for a film who can remember the old fashion dramas. a film about terror and about justice in a precise delicate manner. not very complicated but an admirable construction, convincing, seductive, subtle, courageous trip in not very comfortable zones but with a real good success. a film who seems represent a rare gem. because it is example of almost perfect job.
aatiya I saw this movie two or three times in the theater in 1971, when I was ten years old. My brother was obsessed by the movie and he used to take me. Now, after 38 years I saw it again on DVD, and it evoked some memories! I had still remembered since then some of the memorable scenes, like opening the fist of the rapist's body to find the button, and Charles Bronson giving Marlene Jobert the button. It is a great movie. One of the few earliest thriller/romance of its type (post-Hitchcock) to come out. The chemistry between Charles Bronson and Marlene Jobert is great, and I liked the walnut-throwing metaphor. It is a classic!
bmartin-10 I bought a VHS copy of Rider on the Rain in the early 90s when a video store was going out of business. And i had seen it on a NY TV station a few times in the 70s. I hope and pray to the DVD gods that this gets a nice release before too long. The dreamy feel to the entire proceedings is wonderful. Somehow this film is creepy, suspenseful and sweet all at the same time. Bronson and Jobert have such chemistry that i wish they would have done more. This is one of Bronson's 3 or 4 best performances and perhaps no other film tapped into his unique screen presence more than this one. It seems the European's always did understand his appeal more than we Americans. A classic suspense film which, in the end, is more about people, love and maturity than it is about suspense. "Did the bus stop?" "Yes, and a man got off." "The hell he did. Nobody ever rides here on the bus." "Then he must...have ridden in... on the rain."