R | 08 November 2014 (USA)
Ride Trailers

Overbearing mom, Jackie, travels cross-country to be with her son, Angelo, after he drops out of college to become a surfer. She meets a surf instructor who convinces her to try to accept her son's wishes and allow him to follow his dreams.

Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
silversalver I am a huge fan of Helen Hunt and I loved the cast member list when I chose to watch it on Netflix. I tried four times to get through it but had to hit fast forward finally, the last time, so I could just get an idea of how it ended. This is probably the only movie of hers that I felt like she was stifled, holding back and underplaying her talent. I just want to ask WHY would this appeal to her? Maybe the script was much better, but this was quite possibly the most dry, long, drawn out, movie I have tried to watch in a very long time. The only redeeming quality in it was the cast members. I've seen her friend and limo driver in Dexter and he's great.
don-damon I began watching this movie because I really like Helen Hunt. After about the first 15 minutes, I thought I was watching a re-run of Mad About You. I'm not from New York, so I don't know if this is the way New Yorker's always talk, but I found it so annoying. The same formula that was used in the MAD ABOUT YOU again. Back then, it was cute, and funny, but after you here that same monotone critical voice it's like fingernails down a chalkboard. I'm sorry Helen, time to shake it out and try something else. Maybe, like one of the other contributors mentioned, stick with acting. Unfortunately, you can't go back, it just doesn't work anymore. I know she Helen Hunt had good intentions but I personally felt left out. Move to California, see how the other half lives and talks. There is another world outside of New York.
Bailey Prior (bpspilled) I had two roommates who went to film school. I always went to the student screenings with them and a flask of Vodka to play the film student drinking game. Rule number one was take a drink if the movie showed someone peeing. Rule #2 if the movie starts with someone peeing drink 5 shots. I would have been wrecked if this was a student film. And it really felt like one.This movie gave me a head ache after about 10 minutes. I don't think 10 minutes in the whole movie went by without an argument that brought nothing to the story. I kept going hoping there would be some great surfing sequences but even those were hard to get through. The romantic connections in the film were contrived at best. The one shot that did totally crack me up was Helen Hunt's character trying to swim without getting her hair wet at the beginning but I realized it was a little too much her and not her character.Anyway, stick to acting Helen.
krevus This is a down to earth film about real life. It tackles among other thing the sometimes odd relationship between a mother and son, which are brilliantly played by Helen Hunt and Brenton Thwaites. The mother has a real hard time letting her son go as he's turning into a grown up that doesn't need his mother anymore. As a know-it-all person that likes to be on top of things she follows her son to California from New York and spies on him as he's trying to find himself and experience new things while living with his laid back dad that just want's him to do whatever makes him happy. Her ridiculous behavior is quite funny as is her interactions with the chauffeur that she hires to drive her around while stalking her son. This odd behavior is explained as the story enfolds and a tragedy from the past is brought to light. This a story about a person that seems to be in complete control of her life, but then she's swept away by changes and has to let her self go, learn to trust others and embrace the unexpected. The film is both funny and sad, and very beautiful, specially the surfing scenes that are a perfect setting for a person that is learning to be humble and accepting.