Ricki and the Flash
Ricki and the Flash
PG-13 | 07 August 2015 (USA)
Ricki and the Flash Trailers

Meryl Streep stars as Ricki Rendazzo, a guitar heroine who made a world of mistakes as she followed her dreams of rock-and-roll stardom. Returning home, Ricki gets a shot at redemption and a chance to make things right as she faces the music with her family.

LouHomey From my favorite movies..
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
The Movie Diorama The late Jonathan Demme had a illustrious career of acclaimed titles including 'Silence of the Lambs' and 'Philadelphia'. He was undoubtedly a pioneering director in the early 90s. So it gives me no pleasure in saying that this, his last directorial effort, was his blandest production. A mother chooses to become a rock star and leaves her family behind, however years later her daughter is divorced and so she is called back to confide in her and reconcile with the rest of the family. Basically, it's what I like to call a "Sunday afternoon" film. A bland, generic, predictable drama with some cheesy comedy and a positive vibe where in the end everyone lives happily ever after. It really was as basic as that. A few mature themes are thrown into the cacophony of guitar strums, such as an absentee parent attempting reconciliation with their estranged daughter. Using the medium of music to express emotions. It's all executed fine, and it's perfectly watchable. Yet, it is absolutely nothing new. We've all seen it before in more memorable productions. Streep gives a musically commanding performance, and her character of Ricki is obviously the most developed and relatable. A few awkward dialogue exchanges, particularly the family reunion dinner, provides dark humour. In fact, Cody's screenplay is surprisingly bleak and edgy (whilst being funny, don't worry) however it contrasts with Demme's placid directing style. The two just do not marinate. The first half built up character and focus, then the second half crumbles and decides to shift subplots and focus more on Ricki and her band than with her daughter. Just did not work in my opinion. The music was good though, made me want to get up and dance...so that's a positive. Ricki certainly is flashy, hosting solid performances and engrossing concert music. But the all too predictable plot, inconsistent tone and lack of focus results in a forgettable entry within Demme's filmography. Does anyone think Streep could actually be in a rock band? Totally could see it happen...
Matt Greene Ricki and the Flash sometimes dabbles in the corny, setting aside reality for easy fixes in its complex relationships. Otherwise, this family dramedy about loving others for who they are really works. Ricki is a great character who doesn't quite fit any one character cliché, riding the lines of good and bad like we all tend to do. The awkwardness is palpable, the humor is natural, the dialogue is engagingly overlapping and the performances are strong.
kosmasp Sometimes a family film can rock too. And Meryl is definitely not too old for this ... well you know what! And while Kevin Kline has some moments to shine too, this is all Streep. And it's nice to see her in a role where she can explore other things too. She's not always likable, especially when it comes to her parenting skills (if some would call it that).But in life you decide certain things and then you either stick with them or maybe sometime along the road you learn from them. It's never too late, or is it? The movie while high on rock and song numbers, is not a musical at all. The drama part is big and the relationships worth exploring not to mention nicely played out.
aGuiltySoul This is a competent film that nevertheless didn't seem to quite get a handle on what it wants to be: family melodrama or character study. I wish it had committed to the latter, because Ricki the California rocker is fascinating stuff. A disappointed but never say die guitarist and singer who clerks retail during the day to help pay her bills,she sacrificed her family for this. We find that she has big regrets but not enough to wish to undo the life she lives as an all but anonymous rocker playing cover songs with her band in a small bar. That film would have been on the level of The Wrestler, but this one surely is not.The good stuff: Meryl's acting of course, the subtleties she brings to her character are amazing. Meryl's daughter who plays her character's daughter does a very fine job also. I very much like Rick Springfield who plays Ricki's boyfriend and fellow guitarist in her band. And the music is great. I could listen to and watch this put together band all night long.But the less than good stuff: Kevin Kline is miscast. He doesn't gel as the ex husband or as the left behind father who raised the kids. The whole family dynamic seems to fall flat. Angst in the Midwest living in a large but sterile mcmansion. As I've already implied, this is the schizophrenic split in the film I did not like. Too stereotypical and been done to death. And, as much as I liked Ricki & The Flash performing, they devote a surprising long piece of the film showing it. The excess really added nothing to the plot or character. It was almost like they edited in the DVD extras to fill in the time.Overall, fun to watch for the music but that and the acting doesn't rise it to the level of more than a grade C.