An Awfully Big Adventure
An Awfully Big Adventure
R | 21 July 1995 (USA)
An Awfully Big Adventure Trailers

Liverpool. 1947. Right after World War II, a star struck naive teenage girl joins a shabby theatre troupe in Liverpool. During a winter production of Peter Pan, the play quickly turns into a dark metaphor for youth as she becomes drawn into a web of sexual politics and intrigue and learns about the grown-up world of the theater.

XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Spamlet The likely reason people don't like this film is because it was released by Miramax who are infamous for mis-marketing their tough sell pictures ("Muriel's Wedding" was a feel good, laugh a minute romantic comedy? "Captives" was a thriller!). This movie isn't a sweet coming of age story. It's a devastating account of a young woman's loss of innocence in a cruel world.I tend to really like the movies most people find too depressing. Like the ancient Greeks I find human tragedy the greatest form of emotional catharsis. If you are the same way I recommend this film highly.
gws-2 "An Awfully Big Adventure" is a story of a naive 16 year old girl, wonderfully played by Georgiana Cates, and her interaction with the members of a bottom-of-the-line stock company in 1947 Liverpool. The Liverpool actors are lead by an incredibly nasty, chain-smoking homosexual director, played by Hugh Grant in what may have been the best performance of his career. Their star, "Perhaps the best Captain Hook ever," is played by Alan Rickman in yet another stellar performance. This is a consistently entertaining but very, very cynical coming of age story. Thus, it may not be for all tastes. Nevertheless, I recommended it highly, 8 out of 10.
Snapes_lovr Well, this movie has definitely changed my views on Alan Rickman. He just blew my mind with his passionate performance...there isn't another to explain it.Now the plot was very complex so you did need to see it more than once to get the gist of every little twist. I'll tell you there are allot of twists in this movie. But thats what makes it a must see.I recommend this movie to anyone thats in need of a good slap in the face. I know that I sure did.
JD I have sat through several bad movies, most of which to be fair had awful performances and dire plot, however this film contrives to be one of the most ghastly experiences of my life.Picture the scene - one goes to the cinema to watch some harmless piece of British costume drama and one is confronted by an eternity watching awful people perform awful acts on themselves and each other.I appreciate that the performances were actually good. I like Alan Rickman as much as the next person and even Hugh Grant is good in the film (and against type too; well done Hugh!), but still nothing - no review - no warning can prepare you for the horror of sitting through thisI once, near the end of the film (and thinking 'Well, maybe I just don't get it') turned to see the audience reaction - they appeared to be having as much fun as I was - both of them!Even dear old Prunella puts in an appearance (then again, there are always the supermarket ads, but the less said the better I feel) and is excellent.As a warning, I cannot recommend that you see this film - I aged 10 years in the first hour alone (how many hours did it take? I know not, but many by my physical reaction) Your time will be better spent digging that heavy clay in the north bed of your garden, or cutting your toenails, or cutting someone else's toenails or indeed watching the proverbial grass grow and paint dry.Oh, did I mention it was depressing too?Since writing this, a friend bought me, knowing how much I enjoyed the film, the Beryl Bainbridge novel. The book is fantastic and almost...almost makes me want to see the film again to see how they managed to turn a great piece of writing into an utter dirge.