Rhinoceros Eyes
Rhinoceros Eyes
R | 23 April 2004 (USA)
Rhinoceros Eyes Trailers

Rhinoceros Eyes is a fantastical coming-of-age story revolving around Chep, a young, reclusive prop-house employee who falls in love with a detail-obsessed movie production designer named Fran. Fran's need for authentic props sends Chep to great and questionable lengths as he tries to satisfy her requests, and ultimately... win her heart.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
slake09 The movie follows a young man who lives in a prop store; he is the one who goes to fetch every obscure prop that a film maker or theater worker could want. From the first minute, strange props are being requested and our protagonist knows exactly where each one is in the store. His employers are a crew of misfits and hangers on who don't seem to find any of it strange, even when a detective shows up to investigate the theft of odd props; the thought that a real policeman would waste his time looking for these worthless items is a laugh in itself.In any case, the film is funny in that bizarre, otherworldly type of way. It's not the normal comedy, that's for sure. No one in the movie has a normal reaction to anything, and predictability is thrown out the window. You never know where this will go next, from talking dolls to fanboy detectives, strangeness is the word of the day.It all hangs together, from one scene to the next, without losing it's basic deadpan portrayal. None of the characters see anything strange going on, and that's one of the most enjoyable parts of the movie.If you like your comedy bizarre, this one's for you. Fans of Fargo, Svidd Neger, any of the Kaurismaki movies, or cult films like Repo Man will enjoy this.
michael-ratcliffe I know that Canadian cinema is noted for its contributions to the Horror genre but this is horrible horror. Don't waste your time.I had to write 10 lines of commentary to get this comment published. So I am going to fill up 10 lines of commentary to comment on this film. I do this so that I can get my 10 lines published because they won't publish it unless I submit 10 lines of commentary for publication. So here I am writing the 10 lines they demand before I can get it published. Once it is published you will read it. Once you have read it, you will understand. You will understand how boring and pointless this exercise was. And you will have some idea akin to just how horrible and boring this horror flick was. Get it! sorry to have had to waste your time.
bksbracelet I took time out from university and work and made a special journey to see this movie. I chose it as it had Gale Harold in the cast. I went to the movie expecting it to be boring when Gale Harold was not on the screen. This aside I was pleasantly surprised, the acting talent put in by lead character Michael Pitt definitely kept my interest. The shyness bordering on mental health issues this character explores showed real growth through the film, as he dealt with each character through the story. This film to me has that quirky feeling about it like Edward scissorhands or Fried GreenTomatoes. I felt it did round out nicely. I think its worth a look Cheers Chris
colcam I was looking forward to this feature, and I took time off work, headed out and fought traffic to get to see it on the big screen at Madstone-- as in Madstone Theaters, the exhibition arm of Madstone Films, which was responsible for Rhinoceros Eyes. After watching it I came back and reread the comments and looked at the user votes again. Somehow these people must have seen a different item than the Rhinoceros Eyes I saw-- even though the cast and crew lists matched, the comments didn't jibe with what I saw. The clarity, content, and tonal range of the image was pathetic; what could have been an astounding set was crunched by some capture method or seriously degraded in post and turned into. . . into this, whatever it was. The lighting may have been some of the worst I have seen on a large screen, but even so, the image on the screen far outshone the story. At least, they called it a story, even though it was missing major elements, didn't really make sense, lacked continuity, refused to actually go anywhere, or come to a conclusion. One of the supporting characters seems to be smoking a lot of weed during this production; perhaps he was not the only one.Maybe, just maybe we have a new generation of video only kids who don't know colors, or contrast ranges, the importance of a storyline-- a plot-- or any of the other things that make up a modern "movie." That is the only reason I can see anyone allowing the public to see this; the makers just don't know better.This hurt. It comes off as a couple of kids, a camcorder, a great location, lousy lighting, half a story, and some actors who really, really tried. The actors have my most profound sympathy. .