Red Riding Hood
Red Riding Hood
| 01 January 1989 (USA)
Red Riding Hood Trailers

The high spirited daughter of the village lord and her mother have been living in the forest for seven years near her wise grandmother. They wait for her father to come home, meanwhile, her literally heartless uncle rules. He sells his soul for the aid of an enchanted wolf who turns himself human in order to spy. As the tyranical lord begins to see his niece as a threat, he sends the wolf to deal with her.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
raymond-15 My mother insisted I should chew my food twenty times. The wolf in this fairy tale has a lot to learn regarding his eating habits. But he is a cunning fellow. He gives Red Riding Hood a spiked drink to blur her vision so she doesn't recognize the wolf in Granny's bed.Granny despite her age and poor health is a very active woman indeed. She runs like hell to get help when Red Riding Hood falls into the wolf's clutches.The familiar story is embellished with a sub-plot. Apparently Red Riding Hood's father has not returned from the wars and her cruel uncle wants to move in to claim her mother Jean in marriage. There are a few scary scenes. Watch carefully and you can see a wolf peering through a leafy branch. And may be worse…if you don't pay your taxes, you can expect to be tortured and thrown into a dungeon.The wolf that roams in the wood can change himself into a man. This can lead to a dangerous situation for an unsuspecting child. Red Riding Hood is a fairly sensible child and is aware that strangers cannot always be trusted even though you may be searching for a new friend.The story is given a light touch by introducing songs in appropriate places. Though the singing is not high quality, it adds to the fun. I especially liked "Never trust a stranger" a duet sung by Red Riding Hood and the wolf-man.Most fairy tales have a happy ending, but in this tale the outcome looks pretty hopeless as the peasants assemble in Granny's bedroom and Red Riding Hood is nowhere to be seen. What comes next is the highlight of the film! A very tense moment indeed. A matter of life or death. Can we really believe our eyes? Mr. Wolf, take it from me, anything can happen if you don't chew your food twenty times!
cmoore0013 This is one great Cannon Movie Tale.I just recently saw it.The music is very professional sounding and doesent sound cheesy like some of the other Cannon Movie Tales do.The plotline is a little screwed up.It does have an intriging backstory featuring the Lynette(Red Riding Hood) character's uncle(Craig T Nelson).This film boasts a terrific music score by Stephen Lawrence.It elivates the film so much and makes it seem more like a real film than a children's movie.The film has a nasty and frightening atmosphere that might scare the little ones.Children 6 and up will not find it scary. This film is a must see or buy.It is worth a blind buy.That's what I did just because I love the Cannon Movie Tales.It is worth it!Get It NOW!!!!
fearlessgaia140 This movie has been one of my favorites since before I can remember. I used to be so excited whenever the library near my house had it in their small stock of videos. It took a long time but last year my aunt finally found it on video online and I know every last line of every song. I watch it now as a teenager and just think of how extremely cheesy this movie is, and the guy from Coach singing? Almost scarier then the special effects, but "Red Riding Hood" is still one of my favorites, now because of it's cheesiness. It is an entertainment staple at my sleep over parties, because when my friends come over one of the first things they ask is "You got that corny movie ready?" It's good fun to dance around and make fun of the movement from "Man without a Heart" or act out "You should never talk to strangers." It might make you think what the creators were smoking when they made this movie, but it's fun to watch if you're in a goofy mood. My favorite songs have to be "You should never talk to strangers" and "Good at Being Bad." I could spend the entire night just rewinding that song and singing along "I'm so good at being bad/ I'm good a being bad/ It's sweet/ How sour I am!"
alicorn_83 This movie tale brings to life the classic story in a way that makes it the best retelling of it I've ever seen. Music, a handsome wolf, and a depth of plot that is hardly ever seen in a story that was once so basic.There are a bunch of great songs in this movie: So good at being bad You should never talk to strangers Blue in the green You won't be there in the morning The man without a heart My favorite quote:"King: You don't love anything, do you? Dagger: I love hunting with the pack under a full moon..I love a romantic dinner by candlelight..The two don't seem to go together do they?