PG | 04 April 1975 (USA)
Ransom Trailers

Following a series of bomb attacks in London, a group of terrorists seize Britain's ambassador to Scandinavia. With the ambassador now a hostage in his residence, another group hijacks an airliner at the capital's airport, announcing that the passengers will not be freed until their demands are met. Colonel Nils Tahlvik, Scandinavia's resourceful and ruthless head of security, seeks to take an uncompromising stance against the terrorists yet his attempts meet resistance from unknown forces at every turn...

Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
bombersflyup Ransom is an extremely dull film, thriller it is not.Didn't follow a lot of what was going on and I didn't care. A television quality film, with no action and not worth the viewers time. Connery is fine, but couldn't save this bore fest. The switching of the van in the tunnel rose my interest, but nothing come of that either.
Kieran Green 'The Terrorists' or also known as elsewhere in the world as 'Ransom' as i recall it being titled from the television showing i watched many years ago, Sean Connery stars in this Co-Production as a Scandinavian police chief(in typical Connery tradition has a Scottish accent!) who is called in to end the terrorists siege at an airport carried out by a gang of suit-clad Englismhmen led by the charismatic Ian McShane. His mission is complicated further when a second hostage situation arises at the nearby residence of the British Ambassador. 'Ransom' is an enjoyable and well acted potboiler which sadly remains underrated but fear not as it is readily available on DVD.
JoeytheBrit Sean Connery plays a tough, uncompromising security chief who just happens to be a Swede with a distinctive Scottish burr in this forgotten thriller from the mid-70s. It's probably forgotten because it's all a bit hum-drum and consistently fails to thrill at any level. These were sort of Connery's wilderness years when he made a number of stinkers post-Bond (this, Zardoz, The Next Man) before finally hitting his stride. Having said that, he's still the best thing in this. Ian McShane can't compare and, sporting a three piece-suit and footballer's hair-do, makes a completely unconvincing terrorist.The story is unnecessarily convoluted and – at less than 90 minutes – overlong, with a number of superfluous scenes. Characterisation is non-existent, the terrorist's ideology and objectives sketchily described, and the climax is badly bungled as black-and-white suddenly becomes a murky grey which grows even muddier when two (presumably) good guys come to blows.The picture's one saving grace is Sven Nykvist's terrific photography. He captures some incredible images during the plane chase sequence which are simply staggering when viewed in high definition.
hondo8 I thought the story flowed nicely and as I watched it I had the feeling it may be one of those good sleepers I had missed in the past. Really most of the actors were weak...but Connery and especially McShane were good. I have to say the ending made no sense at all...and when that happens you wonder why you watched the movie. Did I miss something or were both Connery and McShane(Deadwood) after the same guy. If so why did they fight in the plane....I may have missed something but weren't they basically on the same side? Were the hijackers on the plane all working for the Britsh? Just an absolutely bad ending to a movie that actually had some potential.