Raising Victor Vargas
Raising Victor Vargas
| 16 May 2002 (USA)
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Victor, a Lower East Side teenager, as he deals with his eccentric family, including his strict grandmother, his bratty sister, and a younger brother who completely idolizes him. Along the way he tries to win the affections of Judy, who is very careful and calculating when it comes to how she deals with men.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
elvinrstudent To me this film caught my attention in romance because even though the victor wanted to go out with Judy, victor never gave up kept trying fight for what you truly want that like in the path of God but you gotta fight to the very end but not with you strengthen but with Gods when you really have something in front of God a blessing to get it you have to be obedient living in holiness looking for him in spirit and truth each day and also interest me that in the end victor got with Judy even though Judy didn't want to get close to him cause she was scared but it kinda like the word of God but the word of God is better it breaks threw and change and restore.Real interesting the location of where it is that my hometown i lived near but i remember me being in love i used to do everything i could o take care of her buy her a lot of things also running like 12 blocks just to pick her up from school each day were always together but in the end i broke her heart, sad but you learn what you had into you lose it life is full teaching but each teaching you learn from your decisions and each outcome is your decision cant blame no one else if your decision wasn't in their hands
michaelmstudent This movie wasn't bad it had it's moments that dragged you in like the unchaining of the phone near the end of the movie, which could symbolize the family being unchained from their grandmother's shekels which had the movie go on to do scenes that didn't truly represented teens. For instance when they had victor constantly licking his lips because the writer of the movie thinks that's how teenage boys act.
peter miller This is an exceptionally good movie. What it does so clearly and well is to display the relationship between teenagers' romantic interests and their social status in the larger teenage society around them. The teenagers in this movie are all trying to establish a respectable place for themselves among their peers and having a girlfriend/boyfriend is a big part of that. The real problem is how to manage these things without becoming an egoistic monster. So Victor pursues Judy to salvage his reputation as a successful ladies' man and preserve the admiration of his friends and his younger brother. Judy, who is unusually inexperienced despite her hot looks, accepts Victor to avoid the crass sexual attentions of the neighborhood boys. But this isn't even half the story. Victor also has real respect for women, although he has to hide this to appear macho. Judy similarly likes boys but has to hide that, even from herself, in order to preserve her self-respect. Victor likes Judy because she treats him with a brutal honesty (despite her lie about already having a man); Judy likes Victor because he defers to her—he pursues her in his clumsy adolescent way, but agrees to be ruled by her, so she doesn't feel so threatened. Victor and Judy establish a good relationship by the end: it obviously makes both of them happy and they both benefit from it in ways that are important to them. You can argue that this is a pretty rudimentary basis for a relationship, but when one is 14 or 15, good rudimentary relationships are an achievement. The two are very sweet, and very immature, and will grow and develop. Similarly the relationship between Melanie (very well played by Melanie Diaz) and Harold. They are not explored in the same depth, but one can see the same process at work. Melanie sorts out her relationship with Judy vs her relationship with boys, and Harold overcomes his appalling awkwardness. They each gain status in the community as well as real personal growth. One doesn't know whether this relationship will last beyond a few days or weeks, but it doesn't matter—both are the better for it. So the movie shows a lot of respect for its characters and gives them real depth and humanity.
The Hunter Why anyone would rate this unfavorably is beyond me? Loved this movie. All the talk about ethnicity I think was out of place. To me it was more a story of a grandmother trying to raise kids going into puberty yet still holding fast to her values, though she learns eventually to be flexible. And for those too crass or wounded to remember what innocence was like and coming to terms with trying to mature as a teenager, maybe they should watch this film till the'penny drops'and they 'get it!' Superb film, especially from a filmmaker just starting out.Judy Marte was extraordinary. Her eyes captivate and her face gives off this air of mystery. I found myself wanting to delve more into the character she was portraying by her acting. I hope more good roles come her way to showcase her talent. The entire cast were enjoyable.