Rails & Ties
Rails & Ties
| 01 September 2007 (USA)
Rails & Ties Trailers

A deadly collision between a train and car lead to an unlikely bond between the train engineer and a young boy who escapes the carnage.

Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
juneebuggy If not for the powerful performances from Kevin Bacon and Marcia Gay Harden I don't think I would have made it through this. It's an okay indie-drama with an interesting premise, following a deadly collision between a car and a train which leads to an unlikely bond between the train engineer (responsible) and the young boy who escapes the carnage.The story comes together pretty believably considering the events but lagged a bit in the middle while we watch Bacon care for his cancer-stricken wife and the new member of his family. This is also one of those movies with an ending that leaves it up to you to decide what happened next. Hate those. 06.13
LooyCyphr Maybe some say this is a typical "woman movie". I'd not say so, but there surely is a tendency towards women more appreciating it than the men. It's not, however, much of a love story, it's a rather bittersweet tale with ASTONISHING ACTORS from A to Z.It's a movie that makes you feel human. You'll most probably shed some tears and laugh at some of the subtle jokes, some will do so more than others, but all in all it's not a dramatic hell rise like in BREAKING THE WAVES, though Bacon's character surely is a guy you'd like to kick in the butt just to 'wake up' or something. But then, the end comes.I can recommend that if you're out for a softer, heart-felt DVD experience.
mark-4401 And I even learned a few things...I thought for sure Bacon would hit the emergency brake, and couldn't understand why not till it was explained in the movie, and then I read a thread here by engineers/operators backing it up. (Hitting the car is better than derailing a train-load full of passengers)That poor kid has to be one strong soul to live through and survive his upbringing, watching his Mom killed by a train, and then going through the death of another mother (role-model). I did think it was odd that none of the neighbors, relatives, or family- friends questioned where this new kid came from. But it is California, and having lived there know that people don't poking their nose in other's business... unlike here in Tennessee where you can't get a new cat without all the neighbors noticing!Acting was very well done, as with the directing. The young man portraying the boy was an excellent actor. Many child actors can't do a crying scene without looking VERY fake. Photography, scene preparation, etc all well done. I normally don't like dramas... too slow and all... but this one was done well, except....*************************Major Spoiler**************************It never shows whether Bacon gets the kid or not. It just leaves you hanging. I think that should have been explained.
Vic_max I started watching this movie because it sounded like it involved something about a train accident. It does, but that's not what this movie is about. What got me is the sad clip of the train engineer's wife looking at her mastectomy in the mirror - couldn't stop watching after that. The story is both tragic and uplifting - but most of all it's compelling to watch once you get started.Storywise, it starts out with a mother who commits suicide by placing her car in front of an approaching train. The train engineer makes a judgment call to hit the car instead of risking a sudden stop. Eventually, her son finds his way into the lives of the engineer and his terminally ill wife... and the story progresses from there.The story itself is unusual and that made it a somewhat novel experience. The acting is amazing - esp. by Marcia Gay Harden (the ill wife). It's definitely a show worth watching if you're looking for a well-done drama.