Rage: Midsummer's Eve
Rage: Midsummer's Eve
| 06 March 2015 (USA)
Rage: Midsummer's Eve Trailers

American and British friends studying in Finland decide to take up an offer to travel to the Arctic Circle and experience the mysterious, pagan celebration of Midsummer's Eve.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
Adrian Horler I'm not even sure where to begin with reviewing this film. I made an account on IMDb just so I could purposely warn others to stay far far away. Nothing about it was "okay". Everything was sub sub sub sub sub (sub) par. The acting was terrible. It seems the director thought it would be a good idea to mix people from different nationalities so the viewer wasn't really sure if it was terrible acting or if the accents were just throwing the viewer off. Spoiler: It was terrible acting. Maybe it suffered from a poor script, but the actors didn't ever portray any emotion. When someone from the group dies they continue a long like nothing has happened; no tears, no screaming. Just a lot of running.... In fact in the scene where Jussi dies Hannah is seen smirking as she is running away (what? why?). The cinematography was terrible. It never once showed anything interesting other than tress and people running. In the one scene where Hannah is in the barn, you see her looking through a peephole and seeing the "creature". She then gasps and runs away. What did she see? Spoiler: You'll never know because the director decided not to show it. And what is the creature you may ask? WHO KNOWS! Is it a person? It is a yeti? Is it possessed? Is it a serial killer? Why is he killing people? THINGS YOU WILL NEVER KNOW. The only clue to knowing anything about this film is the description given by the director "American and British friends studying in Finland decide to take up an offer to travel to the Arctic Circle and experience the mysterious, pagan celebration of Midsummer's Eve." This description alone tells than the whole film. I could go on and on about all the other terrible things that happened in this film; but I've already wasted more time on this film than I've wanted to. I hope Tii Ricks find another career path because direction is just not in the cards for her. Everything about this film is just SO BAD. The character decisions, the dialogue, the plot. NOTHING EVER HAPPENS. I've always thought people were dramatic when they would say "I want the last two hours of my life back", but I've finally come across a film that has made me feel that way. Also all of the good reviews for this film are fake. They are either family members, cast & crew members or friends. No one with any taste in film would give this anything greater than a 1 or 2. Hope whoever spent the 1.3 million to make this has a lot more money in the bank; they won't be getting any of that back. What a waste.Avoid at all costs. If you want to see a film about bad actors, irrational people and no plot line then this is the film for you. Even then you'll probably still be disappointed. The poop factor of this film cannot be expressed enough.
ernesti A small budget horror film from an unknown female director is something that is not often heard of. It may be even unique but the sad thing is that the film wasn't good and it looks quite amateurish. I can't believe it took over one million dollar to make it when it looks like that it was made with no money at all.One third of it had passed and yet nothing had happened. Nothing engaging. Too much time is used for useless scenes with really bad dialogue and yet every character is just as distant as they were the first time you saw them. I had enough after a half an hour and quit watching it. It has nothing to give, no story nothing really interesting that hadn't been made before. So why was it made? Today's technology make it possible to shoot films like this too easily. As a film school project this would be outstanding and still very tacky but no it's supposed to be a real movie.
jeffthemaneli I am a huge fan of Scandianvian films and for me this was no exception. I was waiting for it to be more gore and bloody but then I got the point that it allows one to use their imagination and own interpretation of what is actually happening to the five wanderers in the woods. I aim to give good an and not so good feedback on all films I see. This film is no exception. I really enjoyed the way the film was shot and thought that the actors were pretty good, even though a few of the scandi actors could have tried to pronounce in some scenes some words a bit more clear but that is no biggie. I think the director took a good and gutsy move by shooting a horror that focuses on events happening in daylight, and it worked fine for me. Yeah there was a bit too much running, but it felt like it keep the claustrophobic feel going. I really felt like this flick had a good feel to it. Yes there were a lot of clichés but realized that it was kind of the point after reading an interview on the film. I have no problem recommending this and in the end I think it was good to see something that was different to the cliché torments in the dark. Thumbs up from me and look forward to what this director brings next. Rock on Scandiland!!!
dspence100 All I can say about this movie, from the start to the finish, is that watching paint dry has more suspense, horror and better use of ones time,The story structure was, at best, simple and plainly predictable. The acting, I presume it was amateur actors, was pretty awful as well, staggered, poorly scripted and had no emotion of feeling of any kind. The so-called horror was 1 out of 10........lets just used some red paint to depict the horror. This film I would never watch again and I would advise anybody else to give this awful movie a miss. If a wooden spoon had to be given, this film would certainly earn such a prize. Don't bother wasting your time with this awful production.