Rabid Dogs
Rabid Dogs
NR | 01 January 1974 (USA)
Rabid Dogs Trailers

Following a bungled robbery, three violent criminals take a young woman, a middle-aged man, and a child hostage and force them to drive them outside Rome to help them make a clean getaway.

Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Leofwine_draca RABID DOGS is an Italian thriller of the 1970s, directed by master of horror Mario Bava, and perhaps better known for the unfortunate production wranglings surrounding it than for being a top thriller in its own right. The movie's producer died, money dried up, and RABID DOGS never saw the light of day until after the director died in 1990. Since then, Bava's son Lamberto did his own version, KIDNAPPED, which was by all accounts an inferior work, and a French remake of the same name came out in 2015 which is probably better known than the original film.Thankfully, Marc Morris and the team at Arrow have finally put together Mario Bava's original movie and released it onto a stunning Blu-ray which no doubt took a lot of blood, sweat, and painstaking work to achieve. The result is an edge-of-the-seat thriller that throws the viewer into a real-time story of crazed robbers and their hostages in exceptionally harrowing way. This low budget film is set in the interior of a car for most of the running time and yet the suspense never lets up. It's very adult, very gritty, and downbeat too; the performances of the larger-than-life characters are quite electrifying. The first twenty minutes of this film are as well directed and stylish as anything else I could mention. Elements of the movie are inspired by Wes Craven's LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT, but Bava's palm-sweating style is all his own.
FilmCriticLalitRao Italian director Mario Bava's cult classic 'Cani Arrabbiati' is a study of criminal minds in closed spaces. 'Mad Dogs' was considered to be lost but due to its leading lady Lea Lander's efforts, its glory has been restored enabling fans of horror and exploitation cinema to discover a lost classic. Director Bava shows the wickedness of criminals in closed spaces where they tend to be more vicious as there is no possibility for them to vent their anger through any outlet. As a heist film with utter disregard for human life, highest limits of cruelty are reached in 'Mad Dogs' when two criminals deliberately choose to unleash a fury of sexual violence against the lone woman occupant of a moving car. It is with bawdy jokes and sickening violence that ruthless criminals are able to subdue a weak woman. The film also raises a lot of questions about the inadequacy of police forces in Italy as three hoodlums are shown to have taken the entire city to ransom. Although the film boasts of a solid beginning and a fairly decent middle part, its ending was a huge disappointment as the 'dénouement' didn't match at all with what was being shown to viewers. In 'Rabid Dogs', something is fishy with the way the film progresses can be guessed immediately after the beginning of the film if an observant viewer chooses to watch with attention how the driver seemed to be utterly lost in his own preoccupations. Lastly, one must wait till the end of the film to find how the end as well as the beginning of this film were closely related.
gavin6942 Following a bungled robbery, three violent criminals take a young woman, a middle-aged man, and a child hostage and force them to drive them outside Rome to help them make a clean getaway.According to Bava's son Lamberto, Mario apparently considered the film his most important work, presumably because it showed he could "compete" with the other police thrillers out there. Unfortunately, of course, Mario never lived to see the film succeed or fail. Which is a shame, because this definitely ranks among his better projects.Bava scholar Tim Lucas wrote, "Rabid Dogs is to Bava's career what Detour (1945) is to the filmography of Edgar G. Ulmer, a minimalist noir masterpiece that shows how much drama he was capable of conjuring on screen with little or no means." This is sort of unfair. While comparing those two films is legitimate, I would like to think that Bava's career as a whole had more high points than Ulmer's.
Claudio Carvalho After the heist of the payment of the employees of a chemical industry where the treasurer and a security guard are murdered, the driver of the runaway car of the criminals Dottore (Maurice Poli), Bisturi (Don Backy) and Trentadue (Luigi Montefiori) is shot and a bullet hits the gas tank. The car runs out of gas and the trio is forced to run to the parking lot of a mall where they kill one woman and kidnap her friend Maria (Lea Lander) and use her car to escape from the police. They are chased by the police but they carjack the car of the middle-aged Riccardo (Riccardo Cucciolla), who is driving his unconscious ill son to the hospital for an emergency surgery. They force the calm RIccardo to drive them out of the city using secondary roads to escape from the blocks in the highway. During the trip, the tension increases but Riccardo and Dottore manage to control the situation until an unexpected conclusion. "Rabid Dogs" is a masterpiece of tension and suspense of Mario Bava. The immediate association that I made was with the famous Quentin Tarantino's "Reservoir Dogs" that is visibly inspired in this movie, but less realistic and tense. This is the first time that I have seen "Rabid Dogs" and the dialogs and situations are still very impressive; imagine thirty-five years ago the impact of this movie. The claustrophobic location inside a car where most of this feature was shot transmits the horror of Maria with the cruelty and sadism of Bisturi (that means scalpel and not blade) and Trentadue. The final twist is totally unexpected but makes a perfect sense to the plot. Now I intend to see the restored version "Kidnapped" also available on the DVD. My vote is nine.Title (Brazil): Not Available
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