Quiet Fire
Quiet Fire
R | 31 October 1991 (USA)
Quiet Fire Trailers

Loner Jessie Palmer must piece together information from a growing body count, including the murder of his best friend, in order to bring down a corrupt U.S. Senate candidate.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Leofwine_draca QUIET FIRE is a semi-decent action thriller from PM Entertainment. It's one of the films made by and starring the short-lived action hero Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs, a black actor who is something of an acquired taste. Thankfully the film's story is fairly interesting and concerns a corrupt senator murdering his way to the top. Our hero was once in Vietnam with the senator before his rise to power and is now the only man to stop him.Being a PM Entertainment film, this one's chock full of the requisite action sequences including car chases, explosions, shoot-outs, and some hand to hand combat. There are smaller roles for screen heavy Robert Z'Dar (sporting a beard) and a blonde Karen Black. It's acceptable material, if not one of PM's best.
Wizard-8 One unusual moment in the history of movie company PM Entertainment was during the 1989-1991 period when they hired Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs to star in six movies. Did PM really think that LHJ was a marketable star? Or was he the biggest star they could afford at the time. I suspect the latter. Anyway, one interesting thing about this particular PM/LHJ movie is that LHJ not only starred in the movie, he also directed and is credited with additional dialogue. It's pretty easy to see why he didn't have much of a directing career apart from this movie. In fairness, he was working with a real low budget, which explains things like a general cheap look to the movie. There isn't that much action in the movie, and what there is is constructed in a way to be lame and unexciting. But the worst thing about the movie is the script. The plot and its various twists will seem very familiar to most viewers. About the only original element in the movie is the portrayal of the two assassins who come near the end of the movie. While the movie is occasionally lame enough to generate unintentional chuckles (such as with LHJ's lame martial arts skills), for the most part the movie is a tired bore.
Poochie "Quiet Fire" has very little going for it except unintended laughs. And there are quiet a few of them. Bad, bad acting, terrible writing and direction. This film has the look of a cheap TV movie. Karen Black (as usual) rises above the rest and actually gives a performance with at least some sort of characterization. It was actually kind of startling when she first appeared on screen because I had been sort of dulled into this state of catatonia by the amateurish acting of the rest of the cast...The evil, crooked Senate hopeful referred to in the previous comment as a "Ted Turner look-a-like" use the term "kapeesh" a lot - and is referred to as sexy, with "great hair". Judge for yourself. Hmmm....
ChoiBaby Jesse Palmer (Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs) was one of the best men ever to serve the military during the Vietnam War. He was one soldier who always straightened out his priorities. In every mission he must accomplish, he will always return a hero, or else...he would not have returned at all... Nearly twenty years later, Palmer is out to prove his worth again...Palmer knows a secret that is a bit esoteric. What he knows could very well have an impact on the reputation of a well-known politician. What he also knows could essentially endanger the lives of his friends and family. What he knows could put his own life on the line. This politician refuses to let Palmer tarnish his own image...so he decides to mark this loose cannon for death!Palmer, a Vietnam Veteran must discomfit his ex-commanding officer turned crooked senate candidate named Whalen (Lance Lindsay, a Ted Turner look-alike) from conspiring to turn over part of the U.S. Government to terrorists. Whalen has all the help that he can afford. Mercenaries, assassins, a surveillance tracking system, endless firepower, and hired killers are at this corrupt senator's disposal. Oh yes, and who could forget those two muscular ladies, dressed to kill... Palmer, on the other hand, only has his wits, fists and a few other surprises to help put an end to a greedy politician's guileful schemes. This one innocent man must expose this corrupt senator before he wins the election...Meanwhile, two dirty cops named Russo (Robert Z'Dar) and Overstreet (Jastereo Coviare) happen to work on the wrong side of the law. They have been hired by Whalen to personally annihilate Palmer himself. Not only is Palmer running from the law, but his girlfriend Jana (Nadia Marie) is inadvertently caught in this whole elaborate chase too. What these two fugitives eventually unveil though is a revelation. The "Quiet Fire" conspiracy is a devious project involving the use of high-tech weaponry for the benefit of America's prime adversaries. American may no longer be of use once their own technology on enemy soil is turned against this country...They're running out of time!QUIET FIRE is definitely a low-budget and obscure action flick. There is little, if any substance in this interesting but somewhat hackneyed political action thriller. The plot is OK, but it illustrates miniscule novelty. The performances were adequate, but Karen Black was absolutely astounding in a completely off-the-wall performance. As an eccentric storekeeper, Kim (Black) manages to weasel in a few tried moments of humor in an otherwise straightforward action flick. Robert Z'Dar (MANIAC COP) tries to keep it real, but I could not help laugh at his sometimes histrionic performance as a deceitful cop. Maybe it is my perception, but that insidious senator looks so much like Ted Turner. Perhaps it is a mere coincidence...or could this case of double vision lead to a deeper machination? Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs (from the hit TV sitcom "Welcome Back, Kotter") keeps his cool here also. Hilton-Jacobs is casually talented behind as well as in front of the camera.Though the film moves at a plodding pace, this is a reasonably fun motion picture. The action scenes are smooth and well made with well-executed car chases, gun battles, and martial arts fighting. QUIET FIRE contains stronger quality production values than the usual B-movie.It's trite, it's generic, but it has a well-structured formula. This film works as a routine shoot 'em up action film. QUIET FIRE is pleasing but an often simplistic and plain diversion. This movie is not great by any means, but passable. QUIET FIRE is worth an overnight rental...assuming you have seen about every other action film ever made.RATING: ** out of ****.