Quest for the Mighty Sword
Quest for the Mighty Sword
| 29 August 1990 (USA)
Quest for the Mighty Sword Trailers

Once upon a time a god gave a mighty sword to the king of Aquiles to bring justice to his people. Now he wants it back - but the king rather gives his life than the sword. Goddess Dehamira, who spoke for him, is being taken all her privileges and banned in a circle of fire, until a human arrives who's strong enough to free her. When prince Ator becomes 18, he gets the sword from the mean sorcerer gnome Grindl, to free Dehamira and his people. On his journey he has to fight against dragons and other fantastic figures.

Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
cklein-2 It's Richard Wagner's "Siegfried" With All The Names Changed!!! Mime. Ator- Siegfried. Dehamira- Brunnhilde.I can't believe there was no credit at all given to Wagner. Sure, he was a proto-Nazi but the man at least could weave a yarn!So is there any recognizable music at least in this? Maybe perhaps something operatic? Something vaguely... Wagnerian?And how is it that I never saw this masterpiece? A message board I'm on had someone ask what the movie was with a plot about a young man raised by a evil dwarf & he reforged the sword that was rightfully his... and I said "Sounds like Wagner's Siegfried to me!" Someone else actually knew the movie & gave the title as "Quest for the Mighty Sword". And so I am here.
fakerca Well, I thought I had seen bad movies before............but this one is the worst by far. No plot, overweight and drag-queen-like "hero", cheap plastic monsters and effects, new york accents on all of the characters............. can you really get any worse? Even the background music is ridiculous.......often sounding Japanese, then techno, then just non-descript and drowning out the dialogue. Actually, the music drowning out the awful dialogue is probably the best thing to say about this movie. And just when you think the movie hits bottom, it never fails to disappoint you in reaching yet further into poor cheap effects. I am truly at a loss for words.
HaemovoreRex If only all movies were this much fun! Cheap and cheerful best describes this tale of swords and sorcery brought to us by the late great Joe D'Amato who also directed the first two Ator flicks starring the one and only Miles O'Keeffe. Sadly O'Keefe doesn't return in the role this time around but is ably replaced by John Allen Nelson an actor who looks suspiciously like a young Brian Dennehy! As with the previous entry, the continuity established in the first two films has been abandoned completely thus indicating that this is a sequel in name only and that the titular Ator is in fact a different character completely here.In fact, there are TWO Ator's in this movie (!), the first is promptly killed off in the first ten minutes leaving his son who shares the same name to adopt the mantel and grow up to be the eventual hero.The plot concerns our hero who, wouldn't you know it; is destined to assume his fathers role, to wield the magic sword, to put the world generally to rights AND to avenge his fathers death etc. etc.But frankly you won't be paying much attention to the plot here anyway when there are so many hilarious scenes on offer! Witness such side splitting sights as an hideous goblin/dwarf type thing cut clean in two down the middle after repeatedly taunting our hero, a conjoined robot(!), a rubbery fire breathing dragon that more closely resembles a walking turd (just check out the hero's expression when he first lays eyes upon it!), a mad warty prince who wants to make a statue out of the films heroine and a wacky and completely unresolved ending! Add it all together and you've got a great piece of trash entertainment! Highly recommended for fans of bad movies although still far from on par with Ator The Invincible aka The Blade Master aka The Cave Dwellers which still stands as truly one of the highest pinnacles ever of trash cinema.
tyler_durden15 One of the worst ever. But it was a good laugh. I would recommend seeing this if you were drunk on something, or if you are a masochist. Real bad.