Pure Luck
Pure Luck
PG | 09 August 1991 (USA)
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The daughter of a wealthy businessman has disappeared in Mexico, and all the efforts to find her have been unsuccessful. A psychologist, knowing that the girl has an ultra bad luck, persuades her father to send to Mexico one of his employees, an accountant with super bad luck, to find her. Perhaps he will be lucky, and his bad luck could help to find the unlucky girl.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Console best movie i've ever seen.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
generationofswine For a lot of people Martin Short can be sort of a turn-off. "¡Three Amigos!" "Innerspace," a small but enduring part in "Father of the Bride" movies...and really that's about all. Even then he's not exactly the lead in any of them, or at least not entirely so you can relax and rest assured that it won't be that annoying.At first glance "Pure Luck" certainly seems like one of those, you know, Martin Short comedies.But, you do have Officer Murtaugh, or I guess Danny Glover and if we know anything about him it's that your diplomatic immunity has just been revoked and that Glover can play one of the best straight men in Hollywood.No joke, it's a role that's often overlooked and there is a tendency to look at Glover as a dramatic actor and for good reason...but even in the Lethal Weapon movies you can see it.He's got great comedic timing. He approaches comedy in the right way, that is to say that he treats it like it's a dramatic role...and what's more he knows when to not be funny and just react so that horribly over the top people like Martin Short get a chance to shine.You put it all together and he was the perfect man to cast against someone like Martin Short. Without Glover "Pure Luck" never would have worked as a film.The jokes are funny, they really are.The part that stands out the most, in the twenty-plus years since it was on the big screen is the clip where Glover is torturing a poor soul with a photograph. A scene that would have failed if it was over done, but again, Glover knows when to step back for the sake of the joke and because of that it is still one of the most memorable and hysterical gags I've seen in a movie."Pure Luck" is a comedy that should have missed it's mark entirely, but despite of it's failures turned out hysterical and should be a lesson to all young actors out there. It only really succeeded because of Danny Glover and now it stands as a testament to how to properly play a straight man.
Aaron1375 Martin Short is a guy who made a couple of comedies that I thought were pretty good. Though looks like once again I like a comedy that a lot of people do not. Granted I did not think it was super great or anything, but I did find this movie about a detective trying to find a girl who had been kidnapped by using a guy with as bad of luck as the girl kidnapped to somehow stumble upon her rather funny. It was Short's character though that carried this one, as Danny Glover was not bad, but he at times was a bit too serious in this one. That is okay, most of the comedy does around Short and he does a good job in his scenes as he has physical comedy scenes and with most other comedy as well. Danny Glover's character spends most of the film trying to prove that Short's character does not have luck and that luck has nothing to do with anything which seems silly to continue thinking shortly after he and Short's character meet. Some good scenes involve Short finding quicksand in a place that has no quicksand, a very bad bee sting and a very bad decision by Glover to get Short to proposition a lady. Short ended up pretty much disappearing from movies for the most part, but I thought he was a good actor in comedies.
brock-55 This sit-down, family film is definitely something to have among your classics. Ten years after my first viewing of the movie, my family, friends and I occasionally bring up a "What was that movie where..." line. We refer back to pure luck and think how funny it was. The movie is very creative. It is the best portrayal of bad luck I have ever seen. If you have not yet seen this movie, and are looking for something hilarious, fun, imaginative, creative, and that will leave a positive impression on you and your family, than this movie is definitely for you. While reading through the ratings, I encountered some negative ratings. This film is definitely better than those people made it out to be.
kornbwk_13 I have seen several movies in my entire life but this ranks as one of the greatest accomplishments of man kind. Critics rave: "...ri...vet...ing...", "this is one of the best movies (sic) i have ever seen", "...the culmination of hu...man...existence", among others. Step aside Kane, there's a new Citizen in town. The making of this movie is among the things our kids are going to be talking about when they're telling their great grand kids about the events that touched their lives and changed the course of the world forever. It's no "Replacements", but then again, nothing is. Ted and Rob each put one of their thumbs into the air when rating this movie. They say sometimes classics often go unnoticed until they resurface 14 years after being made. With that said, what year did Pure Luck humbly grace this world and what year is it now. Now take the latter year stated and subtract the former from it and see how many years it has been since made. Coincidence... I think not.Best Movies of All Time (Some are debatable) 1. Citizen Kane 2. The Replacements with Keanu Reeves 3. A Clockwork Orange 4. The Sandlot 5. Angels in the Outfield 6. Air Bud: Golden Receiver starring Chester 7. The Godfather 8. Hitch (i've never seen this one, but my friend said it was pretty funny and kinda enjoyable to watch... also if you get sour patch kids at the theatre, probably won't buy it when it comes out on DVD though he said, i would definitely recommend it though) 9. Pure Luck (rounding out the Top 9 finally) 10. Ladybugs starring the late Rodney Dangerfield 11. Japanese Fighters 12. Singing in the Rain 13. A Streetcar Named Desire 14. Saved by the Bell: Hawaiin Style