| 05 January 1973 (USA)
Psychomania Trailers

A gang of young people call themselves the Living Dead. They terrorize the population from their small town. After an agreement with the devil, if they kill themselves firmly believing in it, they will survive and gain eternal life. Following their leader, they commit suicide one after the other, but things don't necessarily turn out as expected...

Alicia I love this movie so much
ShangLuda Admirable film.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Michael_Elliott Psychomania (1973)** 1/2 (out of 4)A motorcycle gang called The Living Dead have a rather bizarre leader who is constantly talking about suicide. The man finally decides it's time because he knows that death isn't the end and that he will come back. When he does come back from the dead he talks his other motorcycle riders to do the same and now they go terrorizing their community.You know, it's hard to come up with a stranger horror film than PSYCHOMANIA. I remember the first time I watched it I must have been around the age of eight or nine and I didn't know what to make of it. Looking at it twenty-five years later I can see why it confused me so much and its even more confusing to watch today. I say that because who on Earth would have thought to make a horror film like this especially in 1973? PSYCHOMANIA isn't an awful movie but at the same time it's certainly not great. The film is pretty much something on its own and there's no question that it's original in its own silly way. There's no gore in the movie. Most of the violence is just the motorcycle gang riding around and knocking things out of people's hands. There's really no scares. There's not too much horror either for that matter. Yeah, there's just not too much here.What it does have is a rather bizarre atmosphere where it really does feel as if it's taking place in another universe. What universe that is I don't know but this here is the film's biggest saving grace. While watching the movie I didn't really like it but at the same time there was something about it keeping me glued to the screen. What was it? I have no idea. It is worth noting that this turned out to be George Sanders final movie role.
preppy-3 Movie about a biker group called The Living Dead (!!!) who ride around and terrorize people. Tom (Nicky Heson) is the leader of the group and his mom (Beryl Reid) is into the occult. He finds out through her that he can die...and come back to life as a superhuman immortal through some ceremony. He does so and persuades the rest of his gang to kill themselves and come back. This leads to some truly laughable sequences with the gang killing themselves in various ways. My favorite has to be one of the guys (stripped to his underwear) walking to a lake carrying a huge anchor that he's chained to. Then he throws the anchor in the lake to drown! They plan to come back and kill all the policeman, judges etc etc and rule the world...or something.REALLY stupid movie. The plot is outrageous even for a horror film and it's treated with the utmost seriousness. Also there's the horrible 1970s wardrobe with furniture to match (wait till you see Reid's living room). Also George Sanders (in his last role) is terrible and totally wasted in a small role as a butler. To make matters worse ALL the deaths or murders are completely bloodless and the movie quickly becomes boring. The only thing that makes this bearable is most of the acting is good. Henson (who claims he hates the movie) is very good and Reid is excellent as his mother. Mary Larkin also has some good moments as Henson's girlfriend. Still, all in all, this is boring, stupid and completely unmemorable. Gets a 2 for the acting only.
Tromafreak Well, here it is, gang. Living proof that you don't need gore, or even a single drop of blood, to create quality horror. Not to say that this film is all that scary. It's just an all around entertaining film. This is Psychomania, a very British production about a biker gang called The Living Dead. All The Living Dead seem to care about is creating havoc for the village they live in. The Leader, Tom wants much more, Tom wants to be immortal, so he can create havoc for the entire world. Tom, like most rich kids, is rebellious, yet cowardly. Tom and his mother, along with the butler, who I guess, is Satan, find the rich boy his immortality, so he'll stop whining. All one needs is to truly believe that if you kill yourself, you will come back, and that's pretty much it. Well, that and a frog. That's all there is to it. Only a creative genius could conjure up a powerful plot such as this. With his valuable, new knowledge, Tom soon ends it all, by driving his motorcycle off a bridge, not before terrorizing the village one last time (as a mortal). After returning from the grave, in dramatic fashion, immortal, as well as invincible, Tom has reached new levels of arrogance, he soon convinces the rest of the gang to join him in the dark side. One by one, what follows is the most creative suicide spree in B-movie history.I dig Psychomania for quite a few reasons. for starters, the score couldn't be more fitting, although, how awesome would a Black Sabbath score have been? Just a thought. For something so amateur, Psychomania comes off very professional, at least, the acting, not so much the story, or character development. Although, the camera work is nice. Psychomania has a certain late 60's rebellious style about it that shows in the semi-witty dialogue. The B-movie cheesiness is more subtle in England, but it's most definitely present. If you don't go into this expecting a masterpiece, Psychomania will most likely be a worthwhile experience. For more in awesome Horror from England, check out Vampyres. for tougher bikers, check you Werewolves On Wheels. In closing, Psychomania might not scare the hell out of you, but it is totally enjoyable, and yet another one of a kind, courtesy of the wonderful world on B-cinema. 8/10
slayrrr666 "Psychomania" is a rather decent if unspectacular biker film with horror elements.**SPOILERS**Living on the road, Tom Latham, (Nicky Henson) and Abby Holman, (Mary Larkin) the leader of a motorcycle gang, decides to gather around the other members, Jane Pettibone, (Ann Michelle) Bertram, (Roy Holder) Hatchet, (Denis Gilmore) Gash, (Peter Whitting) Chopped Meat, (Miles Greenwood) and Hinky, (Rocky Taylor) and have some fun. After managing to cause some trouble for the locals in town, one of them is accidentally killed during the process, shattering the group. When he suddenly returns days later alive and well, it's revealed that a sacred pendant is responsible for bringing him back to life from death and encourages the others to do the same and die like him. As the group starts coming the ritual and causing chaos in London, the police start trying whatever they can to stop them before they get out of control.The Good News: This one actually managed a few good parts here and there. One of the main points to this one is the fact that there's a lot of fun to be had with the group out-and-about terrorizing others with their bike antics. These are a lot of fun, especially the early game of chicken they play with one pretending to be another automobile by driving-side-by-side so there appears two headlights and causing it to veer off-the-road, and the main one is the film's highlight piece, where they travel along the road terrorizing and torturing others by pulling off the side-mirrors to smash the windows, pull slightly in front of them unexpectedly to force them to stop suddenly or poking and prodding at exposed parts of cars and trucks, in one instance causing it to crash in a massive fireball among other good times. That this last part is comprised of one extended sequence makes it all the better, as we're right up in there for all the action and it makes for a really fun time. Other vehicular fun includes another big section, where they ride through the town square and do everything from driving through signs and hitting people with their bikes to actually ramming into baby carriages and much, much more, which in turn leads to a full-on car chase with the police in pursuit which is a fun way of getting some more action into the whole affair. Aside from the action, it's got enough supernatural dealings to actually manage a few bright spots here as well, including a spectacular sequence where one of the gang envisions a rather freaky sequence where they are shown to be engaging in bizarre rituals and antics to be tortured through brief glimpses of nightmarish devices, and with the freakish repetitions of a mysterious frog featured throughout, it's quite chilling at times. Other good stuff occurs through the opening segment where, while riding their bikes, it shows them running around a fog-encased cemetery with them going in slow-motion, creating a very discerning feeling that works really nicely. The resurrection from the cemetery is also highly chilling, with the mysterious revving noises coming off in the distance, followed by the bike exploding from the crypt and running down the eyewitness in a really good scene. Also of note is the scenes where they all decide to go through with the pact and decide to commit suicide, oftentimes of the most comical means to the bystanders of such events that aren't prepared for such activities, and the light-heatedness of it allows for some levity in the film. The last good part is the film's finale, which mixes in the supernatural elements exceedingly well and makes for some great visuals as well due to the bike members gradually turning to dust in a fine scene. These here are the film's best parts.The Bad News: This one didn't have a lot of flaws, but they were quite serious. One of the biggest problems here is the fact that the means of resurrection for the group comes off as the single lamest, most moronic means of doing so. The logic behind it is fine, with the pendant being able to revive dead souls, but the fact that there's only one line to explain it fully to the group, which consists merely of the phrase that inspires such stupidity just makes it all the more irritating and completely aggravating. It's just one simple line that's used to explain all the features about how they came about from the resurrection. It's just stupid, lame and really shows a lack of creativity, made all the worse when it's featured in a sequence that reveals all to the others in the gang, but no one is shocked that it's happened and accept it without too much convincing. It's unrealistic, doesn't feel natural and feels like it's not all thought-out at all. The laid-back pacing of this one is another problem here, as it's very rarely infused with any sort of energy or momentum to keep this one from being dreary, dull and really lifeless at times, especially during the moments when the returned-biker is out among the populace, and this one really suffers from a rather dreary pace and tone that really makes it hard to get into. The last flaw to this one is the fact that there's such a huge body count packed with so little imagination in the kills, as everyone either dies off-screen or completely bloodless makes it really irritating considering it's so high. A little extra wouldn't have been so bad, but otherwise these are the only flaws.The Final Verdict: With some really good parts to it and some really irritating moments as well, this one ends up being quite middle of the road overall. Really only worthwhile for those who enjoy these kinds of Biker films or are a fan of the style presented here, but those who aren't so much fans should heed extreme caution.Rated PG: Violence