| 24 November 2006 (USA)
Pro-Life Trailers

Angelique, a traumatized fifteen year old, is taken to an abortion clinic to end her pregnancy. However, her deeply religious father and three brothers are out to make sure the baby lives.

LouHomey From my favorite movies..
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
jdollak I remember liking this episode more than a lot of the episodes in the second season of Masters of Horror, but I still took a long time to get back to re-watching it.It's a strange story, since it deals with one of the core divisive issues (at least in the US.) But both times I watched this, I've come away feeling that they didn't actually make any statements about the issue.It's true that the Father comes across as being the more villainous character, but the Doctor isn't a fully sympathetic character either.Which brings us to the main problem that the episode has - it seems to lack a point. I suppose, you could sum it up as "don't blindly listen to voices in your head" It's not actually a bad episode though. It's paced well, it develops nicely, and it holds attention. But it's also more forgettable than it should be, and by the end, it feels easy to shrug off.
super marauder Okay, okay! I can clearly see from the other reviewers this one is a mixed bag. Either love it it or hate it, well that's fine. That's okay because it deals with a touchy subject.Set aside the politics for a moment, the movie is about a teenage girl who wants an abortion because she feels the baby is evil. But her father wants to protect the baby at all costs.Ron Perlman is excellent as usual playing the tragic hero who knows it's there is going to be bloodshed. He knows it's going to get ugly and he's not happy about it, but he feels it has to be done. Catlin Wachs is great playing the victim. Bill Dow and the rest of the cast is great too.I feel the both sides of the issue is being served. But it's Ron Perlman's character that really sells me on this. He is a father who loves his kids and do whatever it takes to protect them. I feel if you love this movie or hate this movie you can't hate Ron.John Carpenter has never been above pushing people's buttons, just look at 'They Live'. He said of this "it's just a monster movie", and Cody Carpenter's score captures the mood.I'm not trying to mock other people when I say this one is not for someone with a closed mind. If you feel strongly one way or the other about abortion, I suggest you avoid this one. I myself enjoyed this not because I am pro-life or pro choice. I enjoyed it because all of the characters most notably Ron and Catlin because they were real people.
Witchfinder General 666 Horror master John Carpenter contributed one of the best entries to the first "Masters of Horror" season with "Cigarette Burns" (Season 1, Episode 8), but he sadly didn't keep the high quality Horror up with this fifth episode of the 2nd season, "Pro-Life". "Pro-Life" certainly has its qualities, as it's pretty disturbing at times and furthermore stars none other than Ron Perlman, who is always an enrichment to the films he stars in. The episode also has its faults, however. Strangely, all MoH episodes that have a somewhat political theme or subplot seem to be lacking in many departments and "Pro-Life" is no exception to that. While the episode is brutal, disturbing and occasionally also quite creepy I couldn't say it was genuinely scary. A religious fanatic (Perlman) attempts to 'rescue' his pregnant teenage daughter from an abortion clinic, and is determined to use any violence necessary to do so. His daughter however, has some very particular reasons for wanting to abort... While "Pro-Life" is not one of the very good episodes of the series, it certainly isn't one of the bad ones either. Ron Perlman is great as always in the role of the religious fanatic, and his performance alone saves this episode from mediocrity. The daughter, played by Caitlyn Wachs, is the only lovable character in the episode. The problem about the episode is that, other than the innocent daughter, there is really no character one would care about. Actually, I almost wanted everybody else to die. Like "Cigarette Burns" this is again one of the most violent entries to the series. One scene, in which abortion devices are 'misused' is especially nauseating. Overall, "Pro-Life" is not breathtaking, but a worthwhile episode for MoH fans.
Treeman222 What happened to you Johnny-boy? John Carpenter never used to rely on special effects (and bad ones at that) to make things entertaining. He used them judiciously to add to the story, but not to fall back on because there is nothing else in the script. The effects in this are terrible, ranging from lame CGI (added in at the last minute to "pump-up" some of the gore) to a cheesy guy-in-a-rubber-suit demon. Gah.Remember Prince of Darkness, John? The huge black hand - the only part that we see of the Anti-Christ - that was scarier than anything in Pro-Life. Much. much more frightening than a rubber monster. I realize that if you just had a big, shadowy figure roaming the halls in Pro-Life, many viewers would think it was a cop-out, but your fans wouldn't. Instead, most of us probably think that showing us everything was the cop-out. Whatever your next budget is, cut it in half so you make a good movie.