| 01 December 2006 (USA)
Pelts Trailers

Jake Feldman is a furrier struggling to build a business while being tormented by his obsession with a stripper. When a sadistic backwoods trapper kills a strange group of pet raccoons, Jake knows their luxurious hides could make a coat that will change his fortunes forever. Only these are no ordinary pelts: the cursed furs will wreak vengeance on anyone who touches them.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
ChocOrange As a long time fan of Argento with his extremely stylish often ludicrously plotted films he frequently created some weird and brilliant cinematic moments in 'horror' film history. Admittedly, there were many moments where the brilliance didn't shine and even the most ardent fan will begrudgingly admit most of his films haven't aged too well. However, the sheer power of his set pieces and exquisite use of the cinematic medium in them more than compensates.Sadly, Pelts isn't vintage Argento. Not even close. In fact it's dreadful.You could show it to any Argento fan and they wouldn't recognise it as his work. Laboured, perfunctory direction at best and mainly not even that!. Any old hack could do it, and what's worse, probably better.Excellent special effects though and the sole reason for the 3 stars.
aguel Since this episode involves Dario Argento, I'm not going to complain about the unlikelihood of raccoon pelts inspiring muurrrrrder. Pelts is actually pretty entertaining, although that has to be the first time I've ever seen a man nuzzling soft fur to Enya-esquire nature music.I would have liked to know a bit more about the "mysterious ruins" and the woman who owned the land the raccoons were hunted on -- because honestly, seeing her threaten Meat Loaf with dooooooom was the highlight of the episode for me. My only complaint is this: Why does every other MOH episode involve titty bars, bare tits, or a combination of the two? Guess they're not going for big female viewership.
pninson So far this is one of my least favorite episodes of the Masters of Horror series. The premise is crystal clear by the 15-minute mark, and yet the film goes on for another 45 minutes.The idea is simple enough: a trapper scores some very special raccoon pelts. The skins come alive and one by one, everyone who deals with them is compelled to grotesque suicide. There's no suspense, just some over-the-top gore. It reminded me a bit of "The Omen II", which was just a sequence of grisly deaths without any real plot.Nice to see John Saxon in a brief appearance, but while this isn't exactly a train wreck, the story really has nowhere to go.
LoneWolfAndCub I loved Jenifer, it was an eerie, sexual, bloody affair that was one of the best of the first season. Dario Argento (Suspiria, Opera, Deep Red, Tenebrae) makes another brilliant entry into the series. Packed with vicious gore, lesbians, a bunch of great actors and an incredibly eerie score Pelts is my favourite of the second season.Jake (Meat Loaf) is a sleazy fur trader who is desperate to succeed. He meets a stripper, Shana (Ellen Ewusie), who he desperately wants. He promises her the coat of her dreams, and fame as well. Unfortunately he the pelts he obtains (from farmer John Saxon) are cursed and what follows is a trail of death and revenge.This episode proves that Dario Argento is probably THE Master of Horror. He consistently makes provocative, in-your-face and horrifying movies and MOH episodes. The gore in this comes in bucket-loads and is always graphic and disgusting, the acting is quite good from all (especially Saxon) and the story moves along quite well. While watching this I sensed an underlying message about animals used for fur and if that is what he was going for he definitely achieved it.If there is a third season I hope they ask Argento back to horrify us once again! 5/5