The Damned Thing
The Damned Thing
| 27 October 2006 (USA)
The Damned Thing Trailers

Sheriff Reddle thinks there's a connection between a mysterious, invisible force that made his father kill his mother back in 1981. He sets out to uncover and stop the so-called "dammed thing" before it decimates the whole town by forcing the residents to kill each other and then finally... themselves.

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Smoreni Zmaj Opening episode of the second season has an interesting premise, the atmosphere of mystery and tension gradually rise promising an excellent horror film, and then collapse into one of the dumbest things I've ever seen. Within the genre, it might be able to pass with a five out of ten, but the ending is unforgivable. Instead of some sort of resolution, an unexpected twist or anything meaningful, the film ends as an episode of the regular TV series. At the most exciting moment movie stops and closing credits begin, and to see how the story ends you have to wait for the next episode. Only this is not a regular show and there won't be the next episode. Idiocy.3/10
BaronBl00d This episode of Masters of Horror has some excellent aspects and some rather dubious ones as well. Now, I am not one of those Hooper haters. I actually think much of his work - mostly early am afraid - is quite good - and some even amazing. He definitely has talent. But this episode's faults are mostly with the script not the direction. Hooper got me interested early and the performances were all very adequate - some a bit over-the-top undoubtedly. The story concerns a man who as a child witnessed some inexplicable force taking over his father and "making" him execute the boy's mother and try to kill the boy. Thirty Years later the force rises again and haunts the boy and the town - as we discover that the force not only had changed the boy's father but also caused the townsfolk to go mad and on a killing spree. Well, things go fairly fluidly until the last fifteen minutes or so where all hell breaks looses both figuratively and literally. I like the way Hooper shot the scenes, but the story dissolves really at the end into one big "What just happened?".Sean Patrick Flannery does a good job in the lead and Sam Raimi's brother Ted gives an overblown yet fun performance as a local priest. Although Hooper shows he still has touches, he needs to find better material to work his craft with.
metalfrank666 In season 1 of Masters of Horror, I really enjoyed John Landis episode (Deer Woman). It had great characters, mixed in with some comedy and a nice tongue in cheek plot. I warns;t to impressed with Tobe Hoopers first episode... but this one I really enjoyed...Sure when you boil it down the protagonist is a giant oil monster, but there's something really cool, about seeing normal be afraid for their loved ones, then lose their mind in a second, and try to kill them. It's somewhat reminiscent of George A. Romero's "The Crazies"........There were also two special treats in this movie, coming off a commercial break for beauty products (when I was watching this on TV) it went right into a scene where some guy takes a hammer to his own face.... Pretty Gory and entertaining.... Also seeing Ted Raimi as a Priest was entertaining as well
ravenlord666 Do you think I hated this episode,since I gave it only 3 points??? I, actually,loved it.Until the last 2 minutes spoilt it beyond repair,that is.I don't have to tell you the plot,it's all over IMDb. The story itself is mysterious,good acting, great gory special effects. But the ending is so bad that words totally fail me. It's not about the storyline being horrible at the end. it's about a pathetic special effect and a monster that would have been more suited to the ghostbusters! My stomach is still upset about it (just finished watching it).This is the kind of movie that captivates you and draws you in,and you are led to believe it will be a hell of an experience. But just when you think you're about to finish a brilliant episode of the Masters of Horror series,the people involved in its making simply RAPE it. And our viewing enjoyment along with it!