Prime Evil
Prime Evil
R | 01 August 1988 (USA)
Prime Evil Trailers

A coven of devil-worshiping monks living in New York City search for victims for their sacrificial ceremonies.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Ben Larson Although the movie opens with daddy (Max Jacobs) pledging his fealty to Satan by sacrificing his virginal daughter, I do not have high hopes that it will be worth watching. It fast forwards thirteen years to the time he must renew his pact with another sacrifice. This time his granddaughter is the target.Meanwhile, Sister Angela (Mavis Harris) is planning to infiltrate the coven to destroy them. Will George's granddaughter be saved in time?William Beckwith is the evil Father Thomas, who seems interested in how many young women he can bed. Of course some women are not for bedding. Alexandra (Christine Moore) is destined to give 13 more years of life to the old geezers who come just for the orgies. The ending was great, and I did not expect the twist at the end.
BA_Harrison Prime Evil tells of a satanic cult whose members can achieve immortality and invulnerability through the regular sacrifice of blood relatives to a hideous demon (that is about two foot tall and seems to be made of red rubber). Aged acolyte George Parkman (Max Jacobs) intends to prolong his powers for another thirteen years by taking the life of his virginal grand-daughter Alex (Christine Moore), and then wrest control of the cult from sinister leader Thomas Seaton (William Beckwith); but with Alex's boyfriend Bill King (Tim Gail) becoming increasingly suspicious of George, will the old man's wicked plans succeed?After spending the 70s producing and directing porn, Roberta Findlay had a brief career making horror films, but in my opinion, it wasn't brief enough: a few months ago, I watched her horrendous '87 whorehouse horror Blood Sisters, and last night, against my better judgement, I checked out Prime Evil, and all the evidence so far suggests that the woman should have stayed in the 'bump and grind' business.Findlay simply doesn't possess the fundamental skill set necessary to make a decent non-porn movie, her usual objective being to capture a juicy extreme close-up rather than to present a coherent story or obtain credible (non-sexual) performances from her actors (not that anyone from her dreadful cast looks capable of such an undertaking). A poorly developed script full of diabolical dialogue and precious little action doesn't help matters, of course, and with Findlay's visuals having that distinct porno quality (an effect helped no end by regular nudity from some suspiciously low-rent bimbos), the result is a nasty looking and amateurish yawn-fest that, although not quite as terrible as Blood Sisters, is still a chore to sit through.3.5 out of 10, rounded up to 4 for the topless tarts, the rubbish demon and a laughable decapitation.
dbborroughs Evil monks search New York City in the late 1980's for virgin sacrifices. Muddled movie by Roberta Findlay appears to have been shot about the same time as her film Lurkers since it has many of the same locations and much of the same casts. From the stand point of having some scenes of old New York this is good, but from any other stand point this really isn't worth your time. The problem is that the film's script isn't all that good. Its a stitched together affair with plot points from other films dropped in. The result is a kind of boredom that comes from a film that seems to have been made more for the money then it was for the love or need to make it. More dull then anything else it never generates enough interest to create any real scares because you really don't care. Watchable in a bad movie sort of way, its the sort of thing that is best seen only when going through a multiple film set since its not worth the time or the effort to see a film like this as a stand alone.
RaphaelCollin I will sit through anything with demonic rituals, so I sat through this. On checking web reviews, I have become convinced there are two different versions. "CryFi" from Lansingburgh says in his review here on IMDb "surprisingly, there's no nudity." There was also no nudity in the DVD (Rhino) that I saw (there is also very little blood and almost no horror). However, over on cndb, reviewers are talking about how glad they are that there is nudity in the movie and judging the different actresses' "racks". Mr. Skin gives it three stars (!!!) for "great nudity" and lists four actresses as being nude during the flick. Does anyone know what is the situation with this film. It's hard to believe Roberta Findlay would make a movie without nudity, but there was not an inch of skin on the Rhino DVD, though there were scenes where I would have expected skin. Anyone know what's up?