| 01 March 1988 (USA)
Lurkers Trailers

A woman is haunted by flashbacks of her dead mother and visions of dead people floating.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Red-Barracuda The lurkers of the title are malevolent ghosts who terrorise a woman by appearing regularly and sinisterly in her orbit. They seem to be in some way associated with a house she lived in as a child.This cheap horror film was directed by Roberta Findlay who also delivered the comparably low-budget Prime Evil (1988) the same year. Findlay will probably be best remembered for her association in one of the most notorious movies of all time, Snuff (1976). She and her husband made an ultra-low-budget killer hippies movie in Argentina that riffed off the then very recent Manson murders, namely The Slaughter (1971). This movie was considered so bad it barely was ever released and winded up being bought by an 'enterprising' distributer and having the infamous snuff footage added on to the end...and the rest, as they say, is history. I am actually in the minority and genuinely enjoyed The Slaughter material from Snuff and so do have to give some respect to Findlay for being involved in that. Lurkers, on the other hand, is less memorable and is basically a passable-at-best ghost movie set in New York City. Nothing in it is especially good but it does entertain up to a point at least. Most memorable scene? Probably the bit where a couple of nude models chat expertly about the stock market.
arfdawg-1 The Plot.Cathys mother killed her father and tried to kill her when she was ten. Her younger brother, a priest, holds her responsible. Fifteen years later Bob manipulates a clingy, drippy Cathy into falling in love with him. He lures her back to the apartment building of her youth for a so- called work party. There, he and his business partner Monica and a few of their oddly pathetic friends hold Cathy hostage for a few hours before forcing her off the side of the building roof. She becomes one of them, a 'lurker'. The building is supposed to be 'hell' and everyone born there is evil and is brought back there to die. Cathy becomes one of the lurkers who floats around town warning other people who the baddies try to get back to the building - Bobs new girlfriend and Cathy's priest brother including.This was supposedly filmed in Washington Heights, NY. A bunch of scenes are from Lincoln Center, however and many of the interior apartment shots don't resemble anything from Washington Heights.It's really poorly directed lending support to my theory that women cannot direct. The story is fragmented and boring. This is supposed to be a cult movie but it has none of the kewl quirky exposition that real cult movies contain.Given the director's past foray into porn, i suspect this movie had some mob money in it.There's really nothing redeeming about this film. The acting is abysmal and the plot is not remotely interesting. Plus it's hard to follow.
Scott LeBrun As one of veteran exploitation director Roberta Findlay's 1980s horror movies, "Lurkers" is overall dull and draggy for the most part. There just isn't much "horror" in it, and it moves along at too slow a pace, with characters who are largely uninteresting. It DOES have its creepy and disturbing elements, but it takes until the end for this movie to finally start getting more watchable.Beautiful Christine Moore plays Cathy, a classical musician who as a child had seen her mother murdered, and had even almost died herself. She'd also seen ghostly individuals emerge from the walls of her bedroom. Now, 15 years later, she's engaged to supposed nice guy photographer Bob (Gary Warner), but strange things are now occurring, and she's reminded of her childhood home and traumas.One thing that does give "Lurkers" some passing interest is the scene where two models, played by Ruth Collins and Annie Grindlay, converse about the stock market (!) while undressing. It has no relevance to anything else in the movie but is so unexpected that it's rather amusing. As for the rest of it, there may not be enough of value for rabid horror fans. Ed French supplies some enjoyably gruesome makeup effects, and there's a sadistic creep (Tom Billett) who chases women with a sledgehammer. The electronic music score by Walter Sear is unbelievably awful at some points. The acting is tolerable at best; Moore has some appeal even if she's not much of an actress.Horror lovers may want to see this for completions' sake, but it's not exactly a must-see.Five out of 10.
udar55 Cathy (Christine Moore) had a pretty rough childhood as she saw her mother murdered. Even worse, she lived in a brownstone that had ghosts ("Lurkers!") coming out of the walls. Things look to be picking up though as she is engaged to Bob (Gary Warner), a photographer who runs his business with former model Monica (Marina Taylor). Of course, this is NYC and you know you can't trust anyone there. This is another of Roberta Findlay's late 80s horror flicks so you'll know what to expect if you are familiar with her work from that period. Not much going on here, although it did confirm my suspicions that the gateway to hell is located in Washington Heights. To her credit, Findlay does get some nice NYC locations in and there are a couple of effective dream sequences. These bits are a bit marred by the ghost girl with the New Yawk accent though. Ed French supplied the Lurkers and they look pretty good for a low budget production. Much of the cast returned for her next production, PRIME EVIL (1989).