The Caller
The Caller
R | 01 May 1987 (USA)
The Caller Trailers

One night, an unusual stranger in need (Malcolm McDowell) asks a woman living alone in a house in the woods if he can use her phone. It soon becomes clear that they're playing a strange mind game and that there's something very wrong about the woods.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
Raegan Butcher I love movies like this. I love movies where the characters don't have names, they have titles. Here we have a two character film. One character is The Girl. The other is The Caller.The psychological head games they play on each other reach a bizarre level that makes for a truly fascinating viewing experience. A lot of folks, I suppose, will be turned off by the excessively talky nature of the script--the entire thing is nothing but dialog--but for those out there who are looking for something different--then The Caller is worth seeking out. Watch it if you enjoy Malcolm McDowall's acting.The whole thing keeps you guessing...very weird and well done.
lindquistuk In amongst all the gremlin knock-offs/killer toy crap Charles Band has churned out over the last 20 years, a few surprises have sneaked through - usually to an indifferent audience. No wonder Band sticks to what he knows.....'The Caller' can be counted amongst Band's more valient efforts ('Dark Angel', 'Trancers', 'Shrunken Heads', 'Re-animator', 'Freeway 2', 'From Beyond', 'Ghost Town', 'Prison', 'Crawlspace') - a film that makes an honest effort to transcend the usual DTV crap that dominates the modern movie market. Like the aforementioned efforts, it all comes down to an above average script. And, unusually for a genre film, the two leads seem to be taking all this hokum seriously, which convinces the audience to do the same. MGM (who have owned Empire Pictures' back catalogue for the past 10 years) would be doing genre fans a service were they to re-release true originals like this, rather than garbage like Tim Kincaid's 'Breeders'...
WritnGuy-2 I debated on getting this one for a while, but finally, just gave in and got it. And I thought it was a really cool movie, though the ending was sort of tough to swallow.Madolyn Smith plays a young woman staying at a cabin in the woods, and one night, a man comes to her door asking to use the phone. Yet, you know he has been watching her for quite some time, so the scenes between them are tense from then on.Each day after that, she sees him, and they have these very interesting confrontations. Their interaction--which I am giving nothing away about--is gripping, and sometimes, you wonder which one is really crazy.When the climax of the movie came, the movie got extremely tense, but then it took this weird twist that, though it was a scary idea, came across sort of dumb. Or at least at first. Once it fleshes out a little more, you will either be sort of lost on what kind of movie this is supposed to be, or you will be quite interested. By the end, I thought the idea was very inventive, though not very fleshed out. But when first revealed, I was ready to forget the 90% of truly scary film. I say, see this movie. It will keep you guessing on what's going on until the end, and I guarantee you'll never suspect it. Overall, a good movie.
saccenti Fascinating (and undiscovered) mystery/suspense/ thriller concerns a strange woman and her (even stranger?) guest in an isolated cabin in the woods. That's the entire cast, and basically there is only one set. A chilling movie where nothing is what it seems. You spend the entire film trying to discern who the "villain" is. This sort of thing must have impeccable acting to succeed, and does. McDowell is exquisite, the perfect choice.Subsequent viewings are also rewarding, but you watch the movie from a complete different perspective. 2 1/2 of 4 stars on a tough scale.