Play Misty for Me
Play Misty for Me
R | 20 October 1971 (USA)
Play Misty for Me Trailers

A brief fling between a male disc jockey and an obsessed female fan takes a frightening, and perhaps even deadly turn when another woman enters the picture.

Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
TxMike I wasn't much of a Clint Eastwood fan over the years but now am appreciating him more as he has mellowed with age. I found a DVD set of seven of his early movies at my public library and "Play Misty" is one of them.The very beginning has a long aerial shot of the California coastline and towards the end of that shot lingers on one home on the bluffs above the Pacific Ocean. That location is key to the story and especially to the end of the story.Clint Eastwood is disk jockey Dave with a local radio program. Seems just about every day he gets a call with a particular request, "play Misty for me." One day after work he is at his favorite bar and encounters an attractive woman. She is Jessica Walter as Evelyn, we soon find out she is the one who calls with the request. Being a suitably horny single man he takes the bait and they end up in bed together. She seems very nice but when she starts to show up unannounced at his place, with groceries, and asking how he likes his steak cooked, it becomes clear that she is an obsessed fan. Dave finds this annoying at first, then downright dangerous. Then things are complicated by his old girlfriend coming back to town. All in all a worthwhile Clint Eastwood movie.SPOILERS: The ending. As Evelyn's intrusions get more and more worrisome Dave finds that she has gone to the girlfriend's house and tied her up. Dave arrives and in struggling with Evelyn throws a single punch, the only one in the whole movie, she falls through the back plate glass window, over the back porch railing, and down the cliff to her death.
Richie-67-485852 While dated this movie is done right and was ahead of its time for entertainment value. You get it all in this movie and some of it you do not see coming. The character Eastwood plays is a shallow but opportunistic guy, good job, car and lives on the beach and just happens to be a chick magnet. He know its his problem because it cost him his first sweet heart who comes into the movie later on for a second chance. Meanwhile, Eastwood hooks up with your worst nightmare of a sexual encounter but doesn't appear to be. That's the chilling part. Lots of truth to this movie too. What appears to be one thing turns out to be another and in this case with some twists too. Good suspense, thrills and surprises. Have a tasty snack ready to go
erictopp "Play Misty for Me" could have been a good thriller but is let down by the script, acting and direction.Firstly, the script. Evelyn looms out of nowhere with no back story. Does she have a job or home? Was she always a psycho? What draws her to Dave? With none of these questions answered, she is more like a slasher film monster with supernatural abilities e.g. following Dave as if he had a GPS tracker on him, convincing Tobie to be her flat mate, killing a police detective with a pair of scissors, etc.Secondly, the acting. Jessica Walter is good. Clint is OK but squints all the time as if he is facing down Lee Van Cleef in a Spaghetti Western. The rest of the cast range from boring (Donna Mills as Tobie) to over-the-top (James McEachin as Al).Finally, the direction. Clint Eastwood had to start somewhere I suppose but this is self-indulgent and badly paced. Clint likes Carmel so we get panoramas of sea cliffs and pine forests. Clint likes jazz so we get home movies of the Monterey Jazz Festival. Clint likes sex so he gets naked in a waterfall.I seem to be one of the few people who has not seen "Fatal Attraction" so I will not compare the two films. But I have seen movies with suspense and "Play Misty for Me" has very little of that.
gavin6942 A brief fling between a male disc jockey (Clint Eastwood) and an obsessed female fan (Jessica Walter) takes a frightening, and perhaps even deadly turn when another woman enters the picture.I appreciate that Eastwood's directorial debut was a thriller, rather than a western or drama or action film. He took a bold turn from what people might have expected and excelled at it. Over forty years later (2015), the film holds up very well and it really needs to be revisited by people in light of Eastwood's subsequent success (not to mention Walter's rising star from "Arrested Development").I enjoyed this greatly, and may need to add it to my personal collection... especially if a blu-ray exists.