Play-Mate of the Apes
Play-Mate of the Apes
NR | 26 February 2002 (USA)
Play-Mate of the Apes Trailers

Three sexy astronauts crash land on a planet where apes rule. They attract the attention of human-friendly scientist Dr Kweera and the wild woman Uvala and soon unbridled female lust threatens ape society.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Executscan Expected more
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
TheGnostic85 Anyone expecting profundity from a film called "Play-Mate of the Ape" is bound to be disappointed. And if you're hoping for scenes of guys in bad monkey costumes having sex with human girls, you're also going to walk away empty-handed. If, on the other hand, you're looking for about 90 minutes of baked humor and lesbians, then this might be just the kind of movie you're looking for.The plot is stupid, even by the low standards of porn - three lesbian astronauts crash their ship onto a planet where sentient apes rule. They're captured and forced into slavery, but are liberated by a lesbian chimp and her pink gorilla sidekick. Almost every conceivable excuse for a lesbian sex scene is introduced, and eventually, a ridiculously cheap-looking uprising breaks out.The sex scenes are all too long, and the production values are virtually non-existent, but luckily, this film has Misty Mundae, who is not only cute and sexy, but also possessed of incredible charm and a terrific ability to laugh at herself. It also helps that the writers were clearly having a ball banging out the script; the stupid jokes provide some welcome relief when the sex scenes become tedious...
Michael_Elliott Play-mate of the Apes (2002) ** (out of 4)This erotic take-off on PLANET OF THE APES is certainly nothing special but for a Seduction films I must say it's a mini-masterpiece. Three female astronauts (led by Misty Mundae) crash on an unknown planet where the humans are scum and everything is ran by apes. Soon an ape scientist becomes curious about why Mundae can talk and then we have several sex scenes. The talking and sex really don't have anything connecting them but when you come into a movie like this you really shouldn't expect anything other that softcore scenes. I must say that there's quite a bit more than just your sex-loaded stuff here because at least they tried to do something more and I must say that there's quite a bit of imagination scattered through. I thought there were actually some fairly funny one-liners and yet many of them are homages or nods to those in the original Charlton Heston film. We even get some jokes aimed at the NRA and the "dirty apes" bit is used nicely here. I also like the majority of the ape outfits even if they were just Halloween masks. I thought some of them were rather creative and added to the characters and this is especially true of a hot pink ape constantly running around. With all of that said, the main draw here is going to be those looking for sex scenes. I'd say at least an hour of the 90-minute running time is devoted to the slow motion sex scenes. For the most part they're entertaining and well-shot but I've always wondered how much time is added by shooting them in slow motion. The other draw is going to be for Mundae. Listen, I understand why there's a large debate whether she's a sex goddess or not. If you're into natural looking girls then she's going to be your cup of tea. If you prefer the fake breasted girls then have no fear because the cast is full of them. Mundae is the only one trying to act as everyone else falls well short of the type of acting you'd see in a strip club.
danthewrestlingmanorigin Many might wonder why I give this film a near perfect rating, and to be honest you have to review a film for what it is, and as a goofy soft core spoof, this delivers, plain and simple. My only complaint was Debbie didn't have a love scene in the ape makeup, now that would have been hot, and don't judge me, you know you were all thinking the same thing. As for the goodies, the film is all girl on girl scenes, and they rank among Seduction Cinema's best. The humor is all campy and goofy fun, but really that amounts to maybe ten minutes of the movie, as the rest is all sweaty love making action, which is what anyone watching a movie titled Playmate Of The Apes would be looking for, so lighten up all you stuffy Roger Ebert types, this isn't meant to be Casablanca. So basically if your into this, go buy the DVD and see the brilliant masterpiece that made Misty Mundae a superstar.
elbaso This movie is pretty silly, and the gorilla costumes are bad-Holloween quality. One of the gorillas is bright pink! It's kind of fun to watch, more interesting than the normal fare on Cinemax (a.k.a. Skin-emax!). I do have to say that the acress credited as the Barbarian Queen has the largest chest I've seen in movies, and is not shy to show them! Most of the sex scenes in this movie are girl-girl anyway. There seems to be a string of movies like this that spoof popular movies. Lord of the G-string is another. Same actresses, sort of funny. You can tell they're having a good time making the flick. Let's face it, if you're watching these movies, it's not for the plot.