Play Dead
Play Dead
| 15 July 1983 (USA)
Play Dead Trailers

A woman uses her magic powers and a vicious Rotweiller dog to murder her relatives.

Steineded How sad is this?
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Leofwine_draca I was looking forward to this one, as there was a picture of a dog with three heads on the cover. Wow, I thought, a dog with three heads. Cool. Unfortunately the dog in the film only has one head, and is less than convincing. This film looks like it had no budget at all and we frequently see the boom mike hovering about at the top of the screen. It's a vehicle for the ageing Yvonne De Carlo who keeps a dog which has the power to murder people. The background story is something ripped from Great Expectations (an unlikely source, I know).The murders are all very tame and the most gore is blood running down someone's face. A woman is electrocuted in the bathtub, a man is strangled with a dog leash, a man is hit by a car. We are supposed to believe that a dog is capable of all of these murders. It's slow and very dull indeed and some scenes are downright laughable, especially the rubbish ending where Yvonne De Carlo is licked to death by the dog.However as is the case in a lot of these type of films there are some good bits, one of these is the actor playing the old policeman who is pretty entertaining. In fact he is probably the only good actor in this film. The main female lead was appalling and screeched whenever someone died in so horrible a fashion I was forced to cover my ears to shield myself from the noise. Give this rubbish killer dog flick a miss unless you're a glutton for self-inflicted punishment.
sugerfoot As a Rottie owner I have a lot of experience with peoples reactions to my choice of breed. "Oh, he's scary!", "Those are vicious dogs" and "Will he bite me?" are common things I hear on a day to day basis.Yet nobody has ever asked me if my dog will poison them, electrocute them or watch them getting it on! Why do I bring this up? Because the killer dog in this movie rarely kills anyone the way a normal dog would! For all the killing she does she could just as easily have been a toy poodle! This movie is just ridiculous, and not in the "good" way. Very slow moving story, and considering the subject, very tame deaths. All of the actors are bad, even Yvonne De Carlo. The only bright spot here is the Rottweiler Greta, who has been fantastically trained to do some really amazing stunts.
Tikkin I've been after this movie for a while, though mainly because of the cool VHS cover and the fact that Yvonne De Carlo is in it. Well, I finally found a copy at a market. The film didn't live up to my expectations, but I'm used to that, being a fan of low budget horror.The film is kind of watchable and semi-interesting, but isn't much of a horror film because there are no violent deaths. The deaths are caused by the dog but in very tame ways. The plot also seems muddled and the motivation for the killings is unclear. I found the ending rather bizarre but slightly surprising.The main reason to seek this film out as far as I'm concerned is the VHS cover (the UK one). It looks good amongst my collection of big box horror films and I love the artwork. Other than that, there's little reason to seek out this film, even for fellow fans of low-budget horror.
FieCrier Apparently a *construction company* produced this film? Well, that makes just about as much sense as anything.The movie starts with shots of a Rottweiler attacking a person who is prostrate on the ground. Then, we're at the funeral of a woman. Hester shows up, and her voice is instantly recognizable as that of the actress who played Lily Munster: yes, it is she.She is the late woman's sister, and she is not well liked by her sister's children.Hester is rich, and she is angry at her sister and her niece and nephew, because she had had a relationship with her sister's husband prior to their marriage., and she feels she would have been better for him. He died years ago, but she has a place of honor in her house for a photo of him, and she likes to imagine herself dancing with him in slow motion in front of a mirror.Hester owns a Rottweiler that she brought back with her from Europe. She also dabbles in black magic of some kind. She left a necklace with a pentagram on it in her sister's casket. The dog also has one on its collar. The dog also does things in slow motion.Hester gives the dog to her niece, and pretends that she cares about her niece and nephew now that her sister has passed on. However, she does rituals involving blood and chanting Latin in order to remotely cause the dog to bring about the deaths of her nephew, her niece's neighbor and boyfriend and others.The movie doesn't really have any resolution at the end. A real non-ending, not setting up a sequel, but just petering out without letting us know what happened to some of the main characters.