Platoon of the Dead
Platoon of the Dead
| 16 June 2009 (USA)
Platoon of the Dead Trailers

Three soldiers must fight to survive the night in a seemingly abandoned house, when a zombie platoon attacks.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
lastliberal OK, did they just pick up some uniforms at the Army-Navy store? Because "Private" Dillon (Tyler David) has a gold leaf on his BDUs!I guess they got the guns at Toys R Us because that is what they looked like.The Lieutenant (Chris Keown) is in bad need of a shave and a haircut. I mean, come on, shoulder length hair on a soldier!The only actor with any resume in this film was Ariauna Albright. She is not particularly noteworthy, but did lead me to two new films of interest: Caged Lesbos A-Go-Go (with Lloyd Kaufman as President Obama), and Vaginal Holocaust (Rape, Revenge, Hicks, Vampires and a Man-Eating Vagina!) Can't wait for those!War film buffs will find this ludicrous. Zombie buffs will find it boring.
popeurbanv From the low quality camera work, hammy acting, ridiculous props, awful script, ludicrously bad effects, and stupid plot, you might think, "Man, this is a terrible movie." But no, what makes this movie so bad is much, much more than this. What really makes this movie so unbearable is the fact the film makers know that they suck, and revel in it. They make a mockery of the war movie genre, the zombie genre (both of which I am a huge fan of), and a mockery of amateur film makers. The only bright spots of the movie are the end, and some of the lines in the script that actually show the makers put some effort into writing the movie. However, even these well-written parts are lost on the actors, and in the end get delivered with the same derisive, poorly-timed, poorly-emoted effort as the rest of the film. All in all, a thoroughly terrible movie.
capkronos I'm a huge zombie movie fan always on the lookout for some unexpected hidden gem. This is not one of those. In fact, it's awful! Set sometime in the near future, the world has apparently been overrun by zombies and there's some kind of war going on between humans (who use some kind of advanced laser gun that dissolves zombies) and an intelligent and evolved "platoon of the dead" zombie army (who use a special laser gun that stuns people). Since this is a low scale, no budget flick shot on a low grade digital camera, the "war" basically amounts to a couple of guys dressed in camouflage running around in the woods. The most zombies ever seen on-screen at a single time is about six and that's at the very end of the film, so no actual threat for humankind is ever adequately established.Inept, cowardly young soldier Private Dillon (Tyler David), obnoxious, sadistic Sergeant Butler (Tom Stedham) and their level-headed superior Lt. Roberts (Chris Keown) are the only three survivors after their squad is ambushed by the zombie soldiers. The three end up at a remote country home and discover three women; Heather (Ariana Albright), mute Jill (Amanda Bounds) and slutty Stacy (Michelle Mahoney), are hiding out there. The ladies behave strangely and secretive, but allow the guys to spend the night in exchange for an escort to a military safe point the next morning. Despite the war angle, it amounts to little more than yet another substandard revisit to NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD territory but with the addition of some silly supernatural elements that don't come into play until the last 20 minutes. Usually a virus or scientific experiment gone awry gets the blame for zombie epidemics in these kind of movies, but here one of the characters claims it happened because of a OUIJA board (!?) Toward the end it's also revealed that someone is a demon and someone else is a savior the zombies want to protect and we quickly watch as something cheap and badly made becomes even worse by becoming something cheap, badly made and needlessly muddled.The acting here is truly abysmal, even for the budget. Of the six main actors, only two of them are passable and one of those two is the mute girl. There seems to be an attempt at dry humored dialogue but none of the cast members are talented enough to deliver it for the desired effect. Not only is the acting and much of dialogue awful, but the film doesn't have nearly enough action (there's way too much talking), the characters do extremely idiotic things throughout (instead of locking a door they just let a zombie come inside and then scurry around the house looking for a hiding place!) and the presentation of the special effects (from the zombie designs to the laughable computer fx) is extremely weak. It's basically just an amateurish waste of time.
klsmith31 This is by far one of the worst "horror" films you will ever watch guaranteed. You know how there are those movies that you know are going to be bad, but you watch it anyway and think "well, that wasn't so bad".... this isn't that movie, trust me. The acting, script, directing, production, and dare I say "special effects" were deplorable and embarrassing. While the plot was interesting, the movie itself was a big let down. The script itself was probably the movies major downfall, that and the fact there was NO climax at any point of the movie. I will never get this wasted time in my life back. Just don't do it, walk away from this one...just walk away.