Plan B
Plan B
NR | 12 January 2010 (USA)
Plan B Trailers

Bruno's plan to win back his ex-girlfriend hits a snag when he becomes attracted to her boyfriend.

BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Tomislav Stojanovic This is such a simple, beautiful story done on a low budget, yet it's one of the nicest love/friendship stories I have ever seen. So much better than anything coming out of Hollywood these days. The amount of beauty, great feelings, friendship, love, esprit de corps and many other irresistible things draw me back to it. I don't think I will ever get bored watching this movie. My friends from HBO took me to see it once at a festival in LA. They produced some of the most famous and very profitable TV series out there. I walked out of the theater thinking how this little movie, done with such a great sensibility is better anything my HBO friends have ever done. It reminds me of Serbia where I come from and it makes me feel that the USA and England where I spent half of my life are basically a zombie-land where love (or even friendship) is hard to come by. All we have here is more or less psychopathic obsession with money and power games. This beautiful little story reminds me that there are much better places and better social environments to spend one's life in. Even watching a little bit of this movie makes me happy.
rally I have to say this movie is like 1 in a Million, because of the emotional roller coaster I had when watching it. I was intrigued, sad, happy and sometimes excited. I don't think this is a 'mainstream' movie because it is such an acquired taste. Only people who appreciate all the details in this movie would understand why it was depicted that way. The most poignant moment for me is, when Bruno argued about the existence of Peter Pan, and that was genius, and people who skipped here and there along this movie wont find all these amazing moments. For someone complaining about the gritty apartment would realize love does not only belongs to the rich people.Finally, for who dispute how these guys support their life (as if they were not working) would realize, a lot of the scenes were taken during evening or at night which explained the dark backdrop.
jeff-2027 This is a brilliant portrayal of a relationship between men where intimacy is explored and ultimately leads to a more substantial relationship. It was so well done, the exploration of desires, the confusion, the frustration, the joy etc., that I cannot understand why it has such a low average rating.Well perhaps i do understand... its a sad commentary on the maturity and values of the average person rating the film.Gay or straight, this film is a gem. Its message is gender and sexual orientation neutral. It speaks to the human need to be loved and to love and explores those special connections that we occasionally are lucky enough to make through life.Be a child of 12 again and dare to trust and love your best friend... and then let the adult part of you take the relationship to a higher level.
ccmiller1492 The genius of this film is its subtle unfolding of the unplanned nature of it develops and manifests over time. The irony is beautifully portrayed when jealous Bruno gradually gets caught in his own trap for Pablo. What's truly amazing is that as a result of the exquisite, consummately skillful exposition of this film, a viewer is so drawn in that he actually experiences the growing depth between the two men which was not present for either of them with the girl they were both connected to. Because of this, you intuitively understand what is happening to each of them and you "fall in love" with each of them yourself. This film is a quietly subversive masterpiece, a remarkable work that should be seen by anyone interested in the art of cinema.